The Ethical Dilemma in our Society

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Every day, people encounter an ethical dilemma when observing others engaging in unvirtuous deeds, such as bullying, stealing, lying, or cheating. The situation becomes even more complicated when the wrongdoer is someone close to us, like a family member or best friend. While some argue that taking action against such deeds is imperative, others believe in offering forgiveness and support, hoping for self-correction. This essay explores the complexities of these ethical choices and suggests a balanced approach: initially allowing the wrongdoer a chance to amend their actions, and if they fail to do so, taking necessary steps to hold them accountable.

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The Nature of Temptation

Aristotle once stated, "most men, and men of the most vulgar type, seem (not without some ground) to identify the good, or happiness, with pleasure" (Nicomachean Ethics). Often, unethical actions stem from a desire for immediate pleasure or gratification. For instance, consider a scenario in which a group of friends visits a clothing store, and one of them decides to steal an item. The friend who witnesses this act faces an ethical dilemma: should they intervene or ignore the misconduct to preserve their relationship and avoid embarrassment? The right course of action is to address the wrongdoing, giving the perpetrator an opportunity to return the item and make amends. Ignoring unethical behavior not only harms the victim but also compromises the integrity of the observer. As Allen Bloom notes, "Performing any… corrupt activity" should not be overlooked.

Temptation is a powerful force that, if acted upon, can lead to unvirtuous actions. Thieves often justify their actions by downplaying the impact of their deeds, convincing themselves that taking a single item from a store with many will go unnoticed. However, this mindset disregards the broader consequences of their actions on others. The temptation to act unethically can be contagious, especially in situations of chaos, such as riots, where the mob mentality prevails. While this essay will not delve deeply into such scenarios, it is crucial to recognize that individual actions can influence others, for better or worse.

Navigating Complex Relationships

When the wrongdoer is a close friend, the ethical dilemma becomes more intricate. The friend who witnesses the theft must decide whether to confront the thief or pretend ignorance. Confrontation is the virtuous choice, as it allows the thief to recognize their mistake and take corrective action. Publicly addressing the issue may deter future unethical behavior, as the embarrassment experienced might serve as a deterrent.

Thomas Aquinas argued, "In the one tempted, it is not, properly speaking, a fault; unless through the temptation, some change is wrought in the one who is tempted." Everyone faces temptations, but acting on them leads to unvirtuous deeds. Addressing the issue with a friend can prevent the temptation from becoming a habit. Confrontation may risk the friendship temporarily, but the intervention could be appreciated in hindsight. It is essential to act with integrity and honesty, even when it involves those we care about.

The Path to Virtue

Ultimately, the ethical dilemma of confronting or ignoring a friend's wrongdoing hinges on the potential for growth and change. The right course of action is to confront the thief, ensuring a clear conscience for both parties. Intervention, though not always easy, can be the catalyst for positive change. However, it is up to the wrongdoer to embrace this opportunity and pursue a virtuous life. As Aristotle observed in Nicomachean Ethics, "Good, he that hearkens when men counsel right." By offering guidance and support, we can influence others to choose the path of virtue.

In conclusion, ethical dilemmas involving friends or family members require careful consideration and courage. Balancing the desire to protect relationships with the need to uphold moral principles can be challenging but necessary. By confronting unvirtuous actions, we provide individuals with an opportunity for redemption and growth. Ultimately, it is through these actions that we can foster a society rooted in integrity and virtue.

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The Ethical Dilemma in our Society. (2022, Nov 16). Retrieved from