The Enormous Scope of the Louisiana Purchase

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Updated: Jul 06, 2024
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The Enormous Scope of the Louisiana Purchase

This essay is about the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 highlighting its vast geographical size and significant impact on the United States. The purchase which doubled the nation’s size by acquiring 828000 square miles from France included parts of 15 current states. It provided strategic advantages control over the Mississippi River and access to valuable resources. The acquisition facilitated westward expansion and the concept of Manifest Destiny leading to economic growth and the establishment of new states. The essay also touches on the constitutional challenges and the displacement of Native American populations resulting from the purchase. Overall it underscores the transformative impact of the Louisiana Purchase on American history.

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The Louisiana Purchase is a huge deal in American history not just for its politics and money but for its sheer size. Done in 1803 this massive buy saw the U.S. snag about 828000 square miles of land from France basically doubling the country’s size. The bigness of it all shows up in how much land they got how it helped the U.S. and what it meant in the long run.

Back then the Louisiana Territory stretched from the Mississippi River way out to the Rocky Mountains and from the Gulf of Mexico up to the Canadian border.

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It covered parts or all of 15 states we have now—like Arkansas Missouri Iowa and more. Getting all that land right away was a game-changer for the U.S. as it grew.

The size of the Louisiana Purchase wasn’t just about how much land it was but also about what came with it. The Mississippi River became key for trade so American farmers and sellers could move their stuff easy. The flat lands and good soil out in the Midwest were perfect for farming so the U.S. started making lots of food. Plus there were trees metals and places to hunt furry critters all boosting the economy and making it easier to grow out west.

Strategically nabbing the Louisiana Territory was a big win. Back then France and others were fighting over who got what in North America. By taking Louisiana President Thomas Jefferson kicked France out and made a buffer zone to keep the U.S. safer. That move made America stronger and let it stay ahead in the fight with other countries.

Beyond just getting new land the Louisiana Purchase set the stage for going west. People thought it was America’s fate to take over the whole continent and this buy pushed folks to explore and settle more land. New states popped up and lots of people moved west making America bigger and stronger. It also made it easier to grab more land later on like Texas and places along the Oregon Trail which kept the U.S. growing and in charge.

But it wasn’t all smooth sailing. Some folks argued if the government could even buy new land since the rules didn’t say they could. President Jefferson said it was cool though and made it happen. Plus moving into Native American lands caused a lot of fights and hurt for those folks something we don’t always talk about when we look back.

In the end the Louisiana Purchase was a giant moment for America. It made the country way bigger and more secure with loads of new resources and chances to grow. Even with some bumps along the way it set the U.S. up to be a big deal in North America shaping how we see ourselves and where we’ve been ever since.

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The Enormous Scope of the Louisiana Purchase. (2024, Jul 06). Retrieved from