The Controversial Legacy of Andrew Jackson on the $20 Bill

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Updated: Jul 21, 2024
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The Controversial Legacy of Andrew Jackson on the $20 Bill

This essay about Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill examines the complex legacy of the seventh President of the United States. It explores his populist policies and fight against elitist structures, which earned him admiration, as well as his controversial role in the Indian Removal Act, leading to the Trail of Tears. The essay discusses the debate over whether Jackson deserves to remain on the $20 bill, given the suffering his policies caused Native Americans. It also covers the 2016 decision to replace Jackson with Harriet Tubman and the subsequent delays. The discussion underscores the complexities of historical commemoration and the need to reassess who we honor on our currency.

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Andrew Jackson, the seventh President of the United States, has stirred both admiration and controversy. His face has graced the $20 bill since 1928, sparking heated debates. Jackson’s legacy is a mixed bag, with notable accomplishments and actions that have deeply marked American history. This essay dives into why he’s on the $20 bill and the ongoing debate about whether he deserves this recognition.

Jackson ruled from 1829 to 1837, a time of big changes for the U.S. He championed the “common man,” fighting against the elite.

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His move to dismantle the Second Bank of the United States, which he saw as corrupt and favoring the rich, struck a chord with many disenfranchised Americans. His strong stance and push for more democracy in American politics make him a contender for a spot on the $20 bill.

Yet, Jackson’s legacy has dark spots. One of the ugliest parts of his presidency was the Indian Removal Act of 1830. This led to Native American tribes getting kicked off their lands in the Southeastern U.S. It sparked the infamous Trail of Tears, a brutal march where thousands of Native Americans died from awful conditions, sickness, and hunger. Critics argue honoring Jackson on the $20 bill ignores the pain and injustices inflicted on Native Americans during his time.

The debate over Jackson on the $20 bill got louder in recent years, especially in talks about whose face should be on U.S. money. In 2016, the U.S. Treasury said they’d swap Jackson for Harriet Tubman, a Black abolitionist and ex-slave who rocked the Underground Railroad. Many cheered this move as a step toward honoring a broader range of heroes. Tubman on the bill would show we value diversity and those who fought for freedom and fairness.

But hold up—Jackson’s still on the $20 bill, and the redesign’s been slow. His stay on the cash shows how tough it is to rethink historical legacies. Some say Jackson’s work for democracy and his populism make him worthy, but others can’t forgive his harsh moves against Native Americans.

The fuss over Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill raises big questions about who we honor from history. It makes us wrestle with how complex legacies can be. Great deeds can clash hard with actions that today’s folks see as wrong. Picking who’s on our cash should make us think about the whole story of their impact and what it says about our country.

In the end, Jackson’s spot on the $20 bill sparks hot debates, showing how tricky legacies can be. His push for democracy and his appeal as a leader are big deals, but his tough policies on Native Americans leave a bitter taste. The ongoing battle over whether to swap him out for someone like Harriet Tubman shows how history keeps changing and how we measure heroes. As we rethink our past heroes, the $20 bill talks remind us to see history in shades of gray.


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The Controversial Legacy of Andrew Jackson on the $20 Bill. (2024, Jul 21). Retrieved from