The Changes in my Time Management

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Updated: Aug 18, 2023
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Time is the greatest wealth that we, as humans, should take advantage of; however, unfortunately, in most cases, it gets wasted without us even noticing because we do not know how to manage this precious opportunity. This could be due to not knowing how to prioritize, tackle daily tasks, or just being lazy in doing something worthwhile in our lives overall. When time is managed and organized wisely, it can easily change a useless day into a productive one. Time management in an orderly fashion can help reduce stress, simplify life, and prevent us from forgetting important dates and deadlines.

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Since the beginning of the semester, I started to keep track of my time and how well I was spending it.

In the first ten days of recording my time, my daily routine was coming to class, hanging out with friends, going home, and surfing electronically through social websites such as Facebook and Instagram. I did not get enough sleep most of the days, which led me to not be energetic enough during the daytime. Because of my major, which is chemistry and pre-med, I volunteered at the Emergency room of Mercy Hospital Folsom on Wednesdays and Fridays. Also, I shadowed Dr. Danialipour, a family physician graduated from the University of California in Los Angeles, in the evening time in order to get involved and informed in the journey I am stepping into. However, during the weekends, the most useful thing I did was spending time with my friends and family. After evaluating myself in this time interval, I realized that I had been wasting a lot of time surfing the net on pointless commercial and social websites that did nothing good and instead just wasted my time. As soon as my phone made a sound, I would reach for it and the next thing I knew, I was spending about half an hour exploring all of my applications and texts. Hence, I started to change my habits to make the best use of my time, day and night.

For the next seven days, I made myself a new daily schedule. In this new management, I forced myself to read more books about science and self-improvement for at least an hour a day, which was cut from the time I gave myself for using my phone and laptop. When I was on my laptop, I decided to go through useful websites that would help me through my medical journey and college life as a student, in order to get something like a research opportunity or internship out of it. I scheduled myself to spend at least an hour sitting and talking with my family to strengthen my bonds with them, as well as dedicating some time to exercise at night under any conditions, with no excuse. After finishing the recording for the second week of my new, improved schedule, I believe I was mostly successful in adjusting to this new schedule and management. I explored new websites to join different organizations like the Peace Corps to volunteer. I even managed to put time aside to go to their meeting on June 17th and I plan to join and volunteer for them soon. I started to dance every night as my exercise routine after having tea with my family and spending time with them for at least one hour. In addition, I managed to add two hours to my sleep schedule which made me more energetic during the day and therefore, function more effectively.

This exercise was incredibly helpful for me, as I am not typically an organized person. This management project compelled me to become slightly more organized and manage my time more effectively. I learned how to make the best use of this valuable resource by adding more productive tasks and reducing frivolous hours. This organization benefitted me in more ways than one, not only improving my daily life, but also preparing me for the challenges I will face in medical school and my professional life. Ultimately, these improvements will contribute to my growth as a successful student and professional.

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The Changes in My Time Management. (2022, Nov 17). Retrieved from