The Birth and Legacy of King Tutankhamun

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Updated: Jul 16, 2024
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The Birth and Legacy of King Tutankhamun

This essay is about the birth and legacy of King Tutankhamun, the young pharaoh of ancient Egypt born around 1341 BCE. It discusses his early life during a period of religious upheaval, his brief reign starting at age nine, and his efforts to restore traditional worship. Despite his short rule and minimal accomplishments, his mysterious death and the nearly intact discovery of his tomb in 1922 by Howard Carter have sparked widespread interest. The essay highlights how the tomb’s treasures provided insights into ancient Egyptian burial practices and how King Tut’s story has influenced popular culture and the field of Egyptology.

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King Tutankhamun, or King Tut as folks know him, stands tall in ancient Egyptian history like a shining beacon. Born around 1341 BCE in Egypt’s Eighteenth Dynasty, his short but impactful life has gripped historians and regular folks alike for ages. His quick rise to power and the amazing discovery of his nearly perfect tomb back in the early 1900s keep folks wondering and guessing about what his life was really like.

Tutankhamun was born during a wild time in Egypt.

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His dad, Pharaoh Akhenaten, was a real stirrer, trying to switch Egypt’s usual many-gods gig to just worshiping the Aten, a big ol’ sun disc. This big change caused lots of chaos and pushback from the people and the priests. As a kid, Tutankhaten, which means “the living image of Aten,” got caught right up in all that political and religious storm.

When he was about nine, Tutankhaten stepped up to the throne after his dad kicked the bucket. Being so young, he relied a whole lot on advisors like the powerful vizier Ay and the general Horemheb to keep things running smooth. During his reign, roughly from 1332 to 1323 BCE, he put in serious effort to get things back to normal religious-wise, changing his name to Tutankhamun to show he was back to worshiping Amun, the top god in Egypt.

But even though Tutankhamun tried to steady the ship, his time as pharaoh was short and didn’t rack up a ton of big achievements. Compared to other big shots of the New Kingdom, he didn’t leave much of a mark. His death at maybe 18 or 19 years old has always been a real head-scratcher. People have tossed around all sorts of ideas about what offed him, from sickness and bad genes to maybe even a sneak attack. Modern docs poking around with CT scans and DNA tests think he had health issues like nasty malaria and physical problems probably from too much inbreeding, which was a common royal family thing back then.

The world went wild for King Tutankhamun after Brit explorer Howard Carter dug up his tomb in 1922. Found in the Valley of the Kings, it was one of the hugest digs of the 20th century. The tomb was practically untouched, stuffed to the brim with treasures that gave everyone a peek into what life was like for an Egyptian pharaoh. The loot was mind-blowing—like that famous gold mask, fancy jewelry, and super fancy chariots—all showing off just how rich and skilled they were back in the day.

The discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb also taught us loads about how ancient Egyptians handled death and what they thought the afterlife was all about. All the stuff they buried with him was meant to make sure he had a comfy time in the next world. Understanding all this has been super useful in figuring out how they saw religion and culture way back when.

King Tutankhamun’s legacy goes way past his short time as ruler. His life and that jaw-dropping tomb have had a big impact on pop culture and the study of Egyptology. Shows of his treasures have drawn millions of folks from all over the globe, making everyone super curious about ancient Egypt. Plus, his story has inspired a pile of books, movies, and TV shows, making sure he stays a big deal in our minds—a symbol of ancient mystery and total grandeur.

So, even though King Tutankhamun might not have been the biggest or most powerful pharaoh of ancient Egypt, the way he was born, ruled, and died sure left its mark on history. Born in a time of total change, becoming pharaoh when he was just a kid, and dying in such a mysterious way, his tale is one that really sticks. Finding his tomb and all the treasures inside keeps folks amazed and learning, making sure the boy king’s story lives on.

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The Birth and Legacy of King Tutankhamun. (2024, Jul 16). Retrieved from