Teenage Drinking has Declined

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Although teenage drinking has declined, it still remains an issue for adolescents today (Steinberg pp. 423). About 70% of teenagers have drunk alcohol by the time they are seniors and about 15% of sophomores have been drunk before (Steinberg pp. 422) & (Steinberg pp. 421). Alcoholism is a person’s inability to control their alcohol consumption (alcohol rehab guide). We may see people who abuse alcohol having a very hard time trying to cut down their drinking (Steinberg pp. 428). They might not always want to cut back but if they do and they are unsuccessful, this is a symptom that they are abusing alcohol.

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Another symptom of alcoholism is if the person needs much more than average to become intoxicated (Steinberg pp. 428). White Americans are more likely to drink alcohol than blacks or Asians (Steinberg pp. 425 & 426). Teenagers who have drinking problems tend to be more aggressive and are more likely to be violent and act out more (Steinberg pp 428). They also may be more impulsive, stubborn and unstable than others (Steinberg pp. 428).

Teenagers who tend to start abusing alcohol may have parents who are neglectful and uninvolved in their child’s life (Steinberg pp. 429). If a member of the adolescent’s household is a heavy drinker and have alcohol in the house, the adolescent may have easier access to get the alcohol (Steinberg pp. 429). Children who are under are a lot of stress and have problems are more likely to drink alcohol in the teenage and adult years (Steinberg pp 427). Teenage drinking may affect how the brain develops. It can affect a person’s cognitive ability, and this can affect how a person plans things and the decisions that they make. (Steinberg pp. 425). It can also make it harder for a teenager to have better control of things (Steinberg pp. 425). Teenagers who drink and drive are more likely to get into car crashes as well; hurting themselves and others (Steinberg pp. 429).

The most common way to reduce drinking or risk taking is through education programs (Steinberg pp. 82). However, this does not really stop teenagers from drinking or taking risk due to their immature impulse control and sensation seeking (Steinberg pp. 82). Making a stronger law against selling alcohol to minors may help, but it is not the most effective way because teenagers can still able to access to it from family or friends (Steinberg pp. 430). The most effective way for reducing teenage drinking is to raise the price of alcohol (Steinberg pp. 430).

If a teenager who is abusing alcohol or other drugs and are wanting to get help; they can see a therapist, or they can go AA which stands for Alcoholics Anonymous (youngwomenshealth website). This is a place where people who suffer from alcohol addiction can go meet other people who are suffering and try to get sober (youngwomenshealth website). In conclusion, consuming alcohol is still an issue with teenagers. This can affect them genetically and physically. They tend to be more violent and aggressive then others and tend to have issues with their families as well. However, there are ways to prevent and treat this issue.

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Teenage Drinking has Declined. (2020, Apr 30). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/teenage-drinking-has-declined/