Steve Jobs : Time is Precious-Live your Dream

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Steve Jobs : Time is Precious-Live your Dream

This essay will discuss Steve Jobs’ philosophy on life, particularly his views on the value of time and the importance of pursuing one’s dreams and passions. Also at PapersOwl you can find more free essay examples related to Steve Jobs.

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Steve Jobs once stated “Your time is limited, so don’t waste living someone else’s life”(Blumenthal 94) in his autobiography Steve Jobs the man who thought different by Karen Blumenthal. The quote expresses the idea that death is the reality of life which everyone has to meet one day but that should not stop us from living our lives effectively.The message that Steve jobs gives to the humanity and to all of us is that our life is unpredictable, so we should make the best use of it.

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We should not let others likes and dislikes, even if it’s with good intentions, govern our actions. This holds lots of importance in my life as my parents want me to be more focussed on academics than on my passion for squash.

Steve Jobs the main character of the story who single handedly shaped the history of past three decades in the field of technology, had faced many such challenges, one of them being when he was fired from Apple which was his brainchild and then he had to begin his journey from scratch. The feeling that Steve Jobs had throughout the story is being intuitive and optimistic. As the main character in my story had faced failures in his journey to success in the same way I tasted failure when I faced defeat in the silver squash tournament but I did not give it up. I’m working hard to win the next time.. It teaches me to be optimistic and learn from my failures. Like Steve Jobs told a biographer “ If I try my best and fail, well, I’ve tried my best”(Blumenthal 162) which prove that life is about moving on and achieving one’s goal and ambitions despite failure.

Based on the above connection , now I firmly believe that we should live our life at our own terms. Everyone should do what they want to do and should have the courage to follow their heart and intuition instead of getting driven by others aspirations. Other people cannot character-sketch our personality or define our goals in life. In today’s world, I believe this thought holds lots of significance as we as children try hard to live up to the expectations of others, of our parents. In doing so we completely forget our own dream and what we really want to do or be in life. Sometimes we are termed as confused generation but the reality is we are under the pressure of always proving ourselves and this leads in loss of confidence. Sometimes in proving ourselves we lose our way and interest in our own work and ability. When we follow our own dream there can be failures but then we happily embrace them and learn from them and move ahead. We don’t succumb to it because as it’s living our own dream.

The journey of the world-renowned technocrat Steve Jobs is full of achievements and failures but that has never stopped him from going ahead and following his dream. He has always tried to excel in his vision and contribute to humanity. This has had a profound impact on me and has helped me in making me what I am today and what I want to do in my life which is to focus and work hard to achieve my dreams. Earlier I was going through a dilemma whether I should follow the dreams of my parents or my own. Now that has disappeared and my objectives are clear.

After reading the text I have come to believe that if I follow my intuitions and what I love to do, I’ll be more happy and satisfied. My dream is to become a successful squash player and I’m ready to put in all my effort to achieve that. My parents want me to concentrate more on my academics rather than sports, as studies could give me a much-secured future. I know they are right in their own thought. But I’ll not let go off my dream at the cost of making them happy. I’ll try my best to balance both to the best of my abilities. Lot of my peers are getting driven by their parents goals and dreams unlike me as they are in the rat race to beat each other in academics only. However this does not change my views on my peers and the world as I’m living my dreams and my focus is to achieve excellence rather than success. Additionally, I think that everyone has their own path and ambitions and they should be successful in achieving those in their lives in the same way as I’m following my dreams.

In conclusion, the way Steve Jobs thought that living off your own dreams is the path to excellence, even I believe that we should not go by someone else’s dreams and desire but should decide what we want to do, what our own dream and passion is. Everyone should work hard and focus towards achieving their own goal and dream.

Works cited:

  1. Blumenthal,Karen. Steve Jobs-The Man Who Thought Different. Jean Feiwel, 2012.
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Steve Jobs : Time is Precious-Live Your Dream. (2021, Mar 13). Retrieved from