Specific Learning Disabilities and the Causes of Germaine’s Difficulties

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Updated: Aug 18, 2023
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According to the scenario, I believe that the school administration wanted Germaine to be suitable for special education services because, if so, all students with disabilities in this particular school would receive appropriate services before all tests begin. It seems the school decided to move students with poor academic achievements to special education classes so that their scores wouldn’t negatively affect the school’s overall performance. Thus, the testing results of a general education student will appear to be increased.

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This was the reason why Germaine was sent for the evaluation.

The administration explained that Germaine’s mother has mental issues and implied that his inability to learn is due to genetics. This assessment took place at the end of the year, as opposed to the usual beginning of the academic year. Additionally, a boy was evaluated but found ineligible for special education services. In my opinion, Germaine’s case was contrived for some other purpose unrelated to the child’s actual achievement. It could be that the school administration simply wanted to bolster school performance.

According to Gabbard and the American Psychiatric Association, “a specific learning disability is a developmental condition which usually starts within school-age, but sometimes signs of this disorder may not be clearly shown ahead of time.” Children diagnosed with a specific learning disability experience problems in various areas of their education process, such as reading, speaking, writing, or even math. A specific learning disorder is not a consequence of deficient tutoring or poor education. Lack of understanding in an academic procedure, which could be reading comprehension or problem-solving, can lead to more significant issues in many areas of learning. If this particular condition is not treated appropriately, it could develop into difficulties in the individual’s future life. For example, a student might not finish school, or experience a lack of self-esteem, or even remain unemployed.

Upon observing Germaine, it is fair to say that he has good reading skills. Indeed, Ms. Perez, the teacher of the special education class, was amazed by Germaine’s reading level, which was much higher than that of his classmates. In addition, he showcased a well-developed vocabulary when retelling stories. In comparison to his achievements in English learning, his math skills seem weaker. However, upon closer observation, it becomes clear that Germaine is focused on perfection, which is why it takes him longer to solve any mathematical problem.

From my point of view, Germaine doesn’t show any signs of disability. All of his difficulties in achieving academic success occur because of other aspects in his personal and school life. He should be placed in a regular class, but with a different environment. A teacher should have good organizational skills in order to manage appropriate behavior during the lesson. At the same time, when it’s possible, the teacher should give extra personal attention and provide more help to Germaine in achieving his goals.

Upon examining the article, it becomes evident that Germaine was placed in the special education class, encountering a strict teacher possessing firm rules for the class. This teacher developed various innovative teaching methods with the aim of helping children succeed in their learning. Observations lead us to conclude that a significant percentage of students’ educational accomplishments depend on a teacher with straightforward, solid organizational skills. I firmly believe that Centerville Elementary School lacked any legal rights to place Germaine and other children with learning difficulties in special education classes, using this as a means to boost the school’s performance. The school staff should instead devise different solutions to assist students in excelling in the educational process.

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Specific Learning Disabilities And The Causes Of Germaine’s Difficulties. (2022, Aug 18). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/specific-learning-disabilities-and-the-causes-of-germaines-difficulties/