Social Issues in “The Glass Castle”

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Updated: Sep 17, 2024
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Jeannette Walls’ book, The Glass Castle, tells the story of her tough childhood filled with poverty, chaos, and neglect from her parents. Her story shows us many social problems, highlighting the struggles folks face in poor communities. This book isn’t just her story; it’s also a way to look at bigger societal issues. In this essay, I’ll talk about three main problems shown in The Glass Castle: the effects of poverty on family life, the impact of substance abuse, and the results of poor education.

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By looking into these topics, we can get a better sense of how personal experiences and bigger social issues are connected.

The Struggle of Poverty in Family Life

Poverty is a huge part of The Glass Castle and really shapes how the Walls family lives day to day. They’re always fighting to get by, which means they often don’t have a stable home, enough food, or proper shelter. This constant money struggle makes everything feel uncertain and stressful. Jeannette and her siblings often went without basic things, showing how tough life can be when you’re poor. The book also shows how being poor can cause family fights and break down relationships. Even though their dad had big dreams and tried to provide, like wanting to build the “Glass Castle,” the harsh reality of being poor often led to broken promises and letdowns. This cycle of hope and despair highlights the bigger issue of economic inequality and its bad effects on family and personal well-being.

The Impact of Substance Abuse on Stability

Another big issue in The Glass Castle is substance abuse, especially through Jeannette’s dad, Rex. His drinking problem really messed up the family’s stability and emotional health. His addiction led to wild and reckless behavior, like wasting the little money they had on booze instead of essentials. This made their money troubles even worse and created a chaotic home life. The book shows the emotional strain of living with someone who’s addicted, as the kids swing between loving their dad and being frustrated with his bad habits. Rex’s addiction is like a small example of a bigger problem, showing how addiction can wreck families and stop people from finding stability and success. It also makes us think about how good (or bad) the support systems are for addicts and the stigma they face.

The Challenges of Poor Education Systems

Poor education is another big theme in The Glass Castle. Even though Jeannette and her siblings were smart and curious, they often couldn’t get a good, steady education because they moved around a lot and didn’t have much money. The book shows how this instability and lack of resources held them back in school. Jeannette had to teach herself a lot and got some help from her parents here and there, showing the grit needed to overcome these hurdles. But the story also points out the bigger failures in the education system that let these gaps exist. The Walls family’s struggles reflect wider issues in education, especially how being poor can limit access to good schools and future opportunities. This theme makes us think about how education policies need to change to better help poor communities and give everyone a fair shot.


The Glass Castle is a powerful memoir that not only tells Jeannette Walls’ personal story but also shines a light on big social issues affecting many people. Through the themes of poverty, substance abuse, and poor education, Walls’ story reminds us of the bigger societal problems that can stop personal growth and family stability. The book pushes us to think about the larger systems that create these problems and the need for strong support systems to tackle them. By understanding and addressing these issues, we can work towards a fairer society where people aren’t held back by their circumstances. In the end, The Glass Castle is both a story of resilience and a call to action to fight social inequality.

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Social Issues in "The Glass Castle". (2024, Sep 17). Retrieved from