Self-Assessment, Self-Esteem and Self-Acceptance

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The purpose of this paper was to review literature on a study conducted on students’ perceptions of self-assessment while taking into account that their self-esteem is being developed and applied. According to the article written by Gashi-Shatri, and Zabeli (2018), student self-assessment is an important process for students, parents, schools, and society. Student self-assessment is a type of formative assessment that provides teachers and students the opportunity to close learning gaps. During self-assessment, learners collect information about themselves and reflect on his or her own learning.

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Self-assessment allows students to evaluate themselves on specific learning goals as well as their achievement on the goals (Gashi-Shatri, & Zabeli, 2018). Self-assessment creates opportunities for students to judge the quality of their work based on clear evidence. However, self-assessment becomes a major problem when students do not understand the expected learning goal.

Rolhesirer & Ross (as cited by Gashi-Shatri, & Zabeli, 2018) the Four-Stage Model for Teaching Student Self-Evaluation help students become independent and motivated in recognizing the next steps in their own learning. In stage 1, it is suggested that the students d be involved in deciding which criteria they are being evaluated on. In stage 2, it is important that students know the different levels of evaluation and understands the highest level to produce the best work. In stage 3, to help the student focus on their self-evaluations, teachers must provide feedback with examples. In stage 4, teachers must help students develop a plan of action to help improve their performance. Using the Four-Stage Model for Teaching Student Self-Evaluation helps learners with developing self-confidence and creates an atmosphere where mistakes are considered part of the learning process (Gashi-Shatri, & Zabeli, 2018).

Having classroom strategies to support self-assessment is essential in helping to build students’ self-esteem. Gashi-Shatri, & Zabeli, (2018), suggested that a contract between students and teachers determining the number and type of tasks required is a great way to begin the setting goal process. In addition, students and teacher must collectively determine what needs to be assessed and the criteria for completion. Providing students with standards before beginning their task, offers students characteristics of quality work. Rubrics and checklist are great for guiding student assessments and building students’ self-esteem. Group work and peer assessment provide a supportive learning environment which helps students develop confidence. Portfolios are another classroom strategy that helps encourage a learner self-esteem. Portfolios help to clarify and set new learning objectives. Zimmerman (as cited by Gashi-Shatri, & Zabeli, 2018), self-assessment contributes to greater metacognitive skills associated with higher achievement.

The key to self-assessment is for teachers to create structures in their classroom that encourages students’ self-esteem. Students’ reflective activities such as a writing prompt, journals, and student-led conferences are powerful means of engaging students in self-reflection (Gashi-Shatri, & Zabeli, 2018). Graphic organizers are another tool that students can use to help encourage students to explore their knowledge and understanding while providing structure for their thinking. Graphic organizers reduce the complexity of learning in a summarized diagram,

The study at Kosovo’s school was conducted using a questionnaire that was given to 725 students ranging from the ages of 12 to 18 years old. For the question, how often do you self-assess in your classroom? Fifty-six percent of students responded that they always self-assess. For the question, how much confidence do you have in your work? Forty-six percent of students responded that they have confidence in their work. For the question, what activities help you more with self-assessment? Twenty-seven percent of students responded that making competitions with classmates is the activity that helps more with self-assessment.

In conclusion, the research suggested that specific formative assessment practices have a direct impact on student learning and achievement (Gashi-Shatri, & Zabeli, 2018). Research also shows that positive self-esteem is the key to student self-assessment and learning success. In this study, self-assessment was found to be effective in stimulating students’ learning through self –awareness.

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Self-Assessment, Self-Esteem and Self-Acceptance. (2020, Mar 30). Retrieved from