Ralph Waldo Emerson’s: Education

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Ralph Waldo Emerson’s: Education

An exploration of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s perspectives on education. This essay will dissect Emerson’s views on the purpose of education, its role in personal and societal growth, and how his ideas resonate with or differ from contemporary educational philosophies. You can also find more related free essay samples at PapersOwl about Freedom Of Religion.

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Ralph Waldo Emerson was very well known as one of the many famous American Transcendentalists, philosopher, poets and an essayist during the nineteenth century. Emerson was looked up to by many people during his time, especially those who wanted to write. He had affected much of society in a great way. He was teaching everyone that they should have their own beliefs and have their own god. He wanted everyone to have control of their own choices and not let anyone decide what they should, and should not do, because your voice is indestructible.

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During Emerson’s era, writing was very popular. Everyone seen those who could read and write as gods, because it shows that they have been very well educated. Emerson was one of the most famous influential man that was looked up to because of what he believed. One of Emerson’s most famous work was called Self-Reliance. All of Emerson’s readers were very struck by his writings and literature, such as the top favorites Nature and Self-Reliance. Both of these essays were made to influence his readers with how he saw the world. Most of all he was curious to see if the rest of society had agreed with him when writing these pieces. That being the thoughts of a Transcendentalist.

When he was in his early twenties, Emerson’s wife Louisa Tucker passed away in their early marriage; it really took a toll on him. She had passed from Tuberculosis. Through this very personal, and sensitive situation, Emerson used this as a motivation to find better in life. The thought of his wife’s death really brought a broader view to him about life, and soon he started to look more into life values and self-interest. He will talk about these two topics in his most famous works Nature and Self-Reliance. Emerson was “wise and unconventional in his wisdom”. He began to not only stop believing that there was only one God, but he also started to have his own beliefs and self-opinions and therefore not being scared to share his opinions.

Emerson’s most famous passion was trying to influence many people about having to follow their own gut and to stop being a follower in this “toxic” society we are living in. He was very fond of the thought of thinking that the “natural was divine”. Which is saying he was more interested in looking into the original world, he was the man who looked more into the natural side of the world than the fake. Emerson was very distracted on subjects and topics that involved culture, American-civilization, and philosophy of history. He found giving speeches more powerful and inspiring to others rather than writing, although he loves writing as well. Becoming a transcendentalist was his most successful impact on society. He saw his essay “Self-Reliance” as the “most successful” point in his life because it had touched many people’s hearts, and it really taught himself and others that “each individual needs to avoid conformity and false consistency, and follow their own instincts and ideas”, that being said that you shouldn’t have to do what other people tell you and you should be able to be yourself and not be scared to do so.

Ralph Waldo Emerson was a huge role model for many young writers. Of course, he went through many struggles especially since he was well known as a transcendentalist, many people during this time didn’t like them because of their beliefs and because they were not “holy”. But with Transcendentalist they didn’t care what others believed because they all have their own beliefs. Emerson was not a huge fan of many followers, especially those who were Christians. Being a transcendentalist was Emerson’s greatest strength but one thing he disliked was the fact that he was hated because he had “no god” to believe in, he had his own opinions, and because he found religion and political parties as a “corrupt of purity in all individuals”.

Another thing that was a struggle for Emerson was when his wife had passed. This was a very rough and hard time for Emerson to overcome. Louisa Tucker had died early in their marriage because of tuberculosis and it really took a toll on him. Although this was a hard struggle for Emerson to get over, he turned the death of his wife into a great motivation. He began to get the thought of looking at life from a new view, which he’s never done. He found it very interesting; being able to look at life from a different perspective and learning new and different values in life. Many believe that his wife’s death was the “opening chapter” of him becoming a transcendentalist because this is when we see Emerson becoming very opinionated and worrying about self-improvement. And that is where “Self-Reliance” is introduced into our society.

During Emerson’s journey, he had many thoughts going through his mind. But Emerson’s main concern that influenced the choices he made, was looking at life through his own perspective and focusing on the natural side of the world. Although Emerson believed that looking through life with others opinions and doing what others want you to do and not being the boss of your own choices was unacceptable. Emerson wanted everyone to understand this and understand the message he was trying to bring to society. For Emerson to do so he thought giving speeches and his writings would help impact society as a whole. His essays Self-Reliance and Nature really helped many understand and influence them in what he wanted many to believe and give them a look at what a transcendentalist was about and their beliefs.

Emerson was leading the Transcendentalist group in the early 19th century, he had met his legacy. He had impacted society in a different way many other people could not do. His essays, poems and speeches encouraged many to think like him; in his eyes, he saw his speeches and essays as a healthy way of thinking. He believed in individualism, nature, social reform, and the Unitary Church. All of Emerson’s writings created followers of his perspectives: they all believed that they need to “avoid conformity” and to follow their own gut. Because being “a man” takes a lot of mental strength not physical strength and following one’s own way is the appropriate course of action in living. Emerson taught many that your voice is the strongest weapon in whichever way you choose to use it, in writing, speeches etc. But overall, Emerson explained in Nature that his lesson is no matter what you do, do what you believe is right and not what others say you should do. 

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Ralph Waldo Emerson's: Education. (2021, May 10). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/ralph-waldo-emerson-s-education/