Law Enforcement System Analysis
Protecting inalienable rights, the Declaration of Independence remains a cornerstone of American values. However, the persistent issue of police brutality continues to threaten the rights of African Americans across the nation. To address this, it is essential that police officers undergo mandatory psychological evaluations to increase awareness of racial biases in law enforcement. This step could gradually rebuild trust between citizens and law enforcement, fostering a safer environment for all. As Martin Luther King Jr. famously envisioned, children should grow up in a nation where they are judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
The Historical Context
The systemic racism, killings, and dehumanization of African Americans have roots that stretch back to before the founding of the United States. America was constructed on the oppression of African Americans, who were perceived as inferior from the outset. Racial discrimination was not only allowed by the American government but was encouraged through policies that mandated slavery, sharecropping, Jim Crow laws, and a discriminatory criminal justice system. These policies have historically reinforced the notion that African Americans are inherently criminal and untrustworthy. This toxic legacy persists, as evidenced by high-profile cases of African Americans dying at the hands of police, which have heightened racial tensions and sparked nationwide protests.
High-Profile Cases and Rising Tensions
A few cases have brought the issue of police brutality into the national spotlight. On February 26, 2012, Trayvon Martin, an unarmed African American teen, was killed by George Zimmerman. Zimmerman's acquittal ignited the Black Lives Matter movement, which seeks to combat police killings of African Americans and address broader issues such as racial profiling and inequality in the U.S. criminal justice system. Similarly, on July 6, 2016, Philando Castile was killed during a traffic stop, and despite video evidence, the officer involved was acquitted. These incidents highlight a systemic issue within the justice system, where officers often escape consequences for their actions.
The Need for Systematic Reform
The United States' criminal justice system is rife with issues of racial bias and corruption, with many police officers engaging in racial profiling and unjustified violence against African Americans. Numerous studies, such as those by the United States Sentencing Commission, have shown that black men receive longer sentences than white men for the same crimes. This disparity underscores the systemic racism entrenched in the system, which will not disappear overnight. In July 2014, Eric Garner's tragic death at the hands of police underscored the urgent need for reform. Despite his cries of "I can't breathe," Officer Daniel Pantaleo was not indicted, reflecting a pattern of officers avoiding accountability for their actions.
The Role of Psychological Evaluations
One potential solution to address these issues is the implementation of routine mandatory psychological evaluations for law enforcement officers. Such evaluations can assess an officer's psychological fitness for duty, identify potential biases, and highlight areas for improvement. Although psychological tests traditionally focus on mental health and skills, incorporating questions about systemic racism and the treatment of African Americans can help law enforcement acknowledge and confront these issues. By doing so, we can begin to reevaluate the qualifications needed to become a police officer and ensure that those entrusted with enforcing the law are equipped to do so fairly and justly.
The Path Forward
The Declaration of Independence declares that all men are created equal and have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Yet, if police brutality continues unchecked, American society risks reverting to the discriminatory practices of the past. It is essential to learn from history to avoid repeating its mistakes. The Black Lives Matter movement, despite facing criticism, remains a peaceful protest advocating for the value of African American lives. It strives to address the societal issues plaguing America, driven by a commitment to ensure the government fulfills its duty to protect all its citizens.
Achieving equality requires collective action. As a nation, we must recognize that we are all part of the human race, differentiated only by ethnicity and culture. The differences that divide us—race, religion, politics, and wealth—should not overshadow our shared humanity. By taking concrete steps, such as implementing psychological evaluations for police, we can move closer to the goal of equality for all, regardless of gender, age, or ethnicity. This is a crucial step towards creating a society where everyone is truly equal under the law.

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Law Enforcement System Analysis. (2019, May 15). Retrieved from