Peter Ulisse Poem of Odyssey: 20 Years Later

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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Peter Ulisse poem of Odyssey: 20 Years Later is set to be 20 years into the future of Homer story of Odyssey. Odysseus is illustrated as a tired old man wandering the seas trying to decide if he should go home or stay on one of the many islands he passes. This portrayal of Odysseus conveys the idea that even great war heroes eventually grow old. Many of the islands he passes by seem identical to Odysseus, to the point where he could make any of them his new home.

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Odysseus can no longer remember why he is going home and whom he is going home to. A fellow wanderer, remembering the same events Odysseus faced, realizes the Odyssey not as an adventure, but as coming home.

“How do our time- and body-transcending minds relate to our physical bodies with their passions and appetites rooted in space and time and subject to change and chance, suffering and death” (Thornton)? This portrayal of Odysseus conveys the idea that even great war heroes eventually grow old. Which is why all the islands look alike when Odysseus passes them.

“Is there any rhyme or reason to this set of adventures” (Niles)? Many of the islands he passes by seem identical to Odysseus, to the point where he could make any of them his new home. The pattern might derive from ancient Greek myth. I would like merely to show that patterning exists and that it is meaningful.

After reading the poem two times, it is easy to say that Peter Ulisse poem of Odyssey: 20 Years Later is indeed 20 years later. Also, doing some research, it is easy to say that Odysseus is simply going home after 20 years.”

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Peter Ulisse poem of Odyssey: 20 Years Later. (2019, Oct 18). Retrieved from