Personal Code of Ethics Essay

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An example of a helicopter manufacturing company’s code of ethics details the company values and standards of conduct. These include fair treatment, safety and environmental protection, the protection of sensitive information, managing conflicts of interest, ensuring security commitment, providing training, and enforcing a drug-free workplace.

Ethics is defined as “a branch of philosophy concerned with the study of values or morality” (Krause, T. Ph.D., 2007, p. 1). Many businesses develop a code of conduct to convey the standards of conduct they expect from all employees, sub-contractors, and suppliers, based on the values of the company.

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Ethics applies to helicopter manufacturing by establishing a code of conduct for all employees to follow. This standard will be examined and discussed in this paper.

Our commitment to respect for others, integrity, trust, and the pursuit of quality provides a foundation for performing with excellence. Our code applies to all employees, board members, consultants, and other agents representing the company. We expect you to conduct your duties with honesty, integrity, high ethical standards, and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

We are committed to providing equal opportunities in employment regardless of race, color, national origin, gender, age, marital status, or disability. We treat everyone with dignity and respect. We value diversity, which advances the organization and improves our ability to work with customers in the global arena. Harassment of any type, be it sexual, bullying, threats, violence, or discrimination, is prohibited.

We maintain a safe work environment for all employees. Our commitment to protect both the employee and the environment is evident in our assessment of work processes, provision of technologies, and implementation of controls to lessen the impact on the individual and the environment. Any safety or environmental concern must be reported to your immediate supervisor or the Environment, Health, and Safety (EH&S) department.

Sensitive information includes employee personal information and proprietary company information. You must obtain proper authorization before disclosing or receiving sensitive information and safeguard this information. Reporting of unauthorized access to sensitive information is required.

Employees’ rights to engage in personal activities outside work are encouraged. However, we must avoid activities which may conflict or seem to conflict with the company’s interests. Any perception of favorable treatment given, received, or being sought in exchange for business courtesies should be avoided. Offering, giving, soliciting, or receiving any form of money, fee, commission, credit, gift, gratuity, loan, service, or compensation is not allowed. Complex rules and monetary limits apply when dealing with Public Officials. If a question arises concerning whether an action is appropriate or within allowable limits, consult the Ethics department.

Our commitment to security is to protect our employees, customers, business partners, assets, and operations. We take action to mitigate threats to employee safety in the work environment. We require all employees to conduct Ethics Awareness training, which aids in implementing company values in real workplace situations. This training prepares us to recognize and respond to situations requiring ethical decision-making, ensuring that ethics is integrated into every facet of our business.

We prohibit possession, use, distribution, sale, or being under the influence of any illegal drug or controlled substance in the workplace or while conducting official company business. We prohibit employees from being under the influence of alcohol in the workplace or while conducting official company business. The abuse of alcohol or use of illegal drugs has an adverse impact on employee performance and may endanger the safety of co-workers. Any employee reporting to work under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.


  1. This code of conduct is a set of standards employees are required to follow based on the company values.
  2. References
  3. Krause, T. Ph.D. (2007). The Ethics of Safety. Retrieved from EHS Today:
  4. Lockheed Martin. (n.d.). Code of Conduct. Retrieved from Lockheed Martin:
  5. Textron. (n.d.). Ethics and Compliancd. Retrieved from Textron:
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Personal Code of Ethics Essay. (2021, May 10). Retrieved from