Person who Inspires Me: Embodying Caring, Athleticism, and Responsibility

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Updated: Aug 05, 2023
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“There are no limits to what you can accomplish, except the limits you place on your own thinking”(Brian Tracy). My name is Natalia Stachura, and I’m in 8th grade. I am athletic; I enjoy playing sports and working out. I am also very kind and caring; I like to make people feel happy, especially when they’re upset. Most importantly, I am responsible; I turn everything in on time, clean my room, take care of my siblings, and do anything that is needed.

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What I am saying is being caring, athletic, and responsible is what makes me, me.

The Power of Caring and Kindness

First, I am kind and caring; I feel the need to make people smile and be happy. I tend to focus on maintaining positive, healthy relationships. For example, I’m caring because when I see someone down, I go up to them and ask what’s wrong and try to make them feel better. For example, when I saw my cousin crying and upset, I came to her, gave her a hug, and said I was there for them and that everything would be alright. Another way I’m caring is when someone in my family is sick; I bring them anything they need. I really appreciate the people I have in my life. I am very grateful for my family, friends, and every person who makes my life more meaningful and positive. They make me who I am. I try cutting people some slack and having healthy relationships with people instead of fighting all the time. I try pushing away my feelings of selfishness, and I think of the way others are feeling. I also try to be very polite by having good manners. As well as not being rude to others, holding doors for people, and asking people how their day was. I believe that one person can change the world by caring enough.

Unleashing the Athlete Within

Next, I am athletic. I like playing all sports, but the two I really enjoy are basketball and soccer. In school, we play a lot of sports, so it keeps me in shape. I started trying out for sports in seventh grade, but I’ve been playing since I was about 6. I don’t only play sports and work out in school but also outside of school. For example, I take my dogs for a walk; I run around my block; I do push-ups, jumping jacks, and anything else that will make me in shape. During the summer, I go to the park and play basketball on the court, soccer on the field, softball on the sand, or play tag with a bunch of friends. I started practicing soccer more and getting better and better. I’m so good at soccer; if Cristiano Ronaldo saw me play, he would quit. I really enjoy playing sports and working out; it makes me feel good. The point is I really enjoy playing sports and working out. “Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into the wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it” (Michael Jordan).

The Mark of Responsibility

Finally, I am responsible. I’m always turning in my homework on time. As well as taking care of my siblings and doing anything that is needed. When I agree to do something, I do it because I don’t want to let anyone down. When I follow through with my commitments, people take me seriously. I answer for my own actions. What I mean by that is I don’t make excuses or blame others for what I did. I also take care of my own matters; I don’t rely on adults to remind me when I’m supposed to bring something. A part of being responsible is being trustworthy. If someone trusts me to borrow or take care of something, I take care of it. For example, my uncle asked me to take care of his dog, and I didn’t let him down. It’s important to know people can count on me. I always use my head. I think things through and use good judgment. When I use my head, I make better choices, and it shows my parents that they can trust me. When I have a task to do, I do it. Doing things on time helps me take control of my life and shows that I can manage time for my own things.


In conclusion, I am a very caring, athletic, and responsible person. I like making others feel happy. As well as playing sports and beings active. I am responsible; I take care of my siblings and turn in my homework on time. “Be what you are. This is the first step toward becoming better than you are” (Julius Charles Hare).


  1. Brian Tracy. (n.d.). Retrieved2020,  from

  2. Michael Jordan. (n.d.). Retrieved 2021, from

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Person Who Inspires Me: Embodying Caring, Athleticism, and Responsibility. (2023, Aug 05). Retrieved from