The Caring and Compassion

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My personality and characteristics as a nurse can affect and influence my interaction between patient, family, and other healthcare members. Caring and compassion is an organic self-concept I, as a nurse, must exemplify to all my patients. It is an essential characteristic to have because I am the first point of contact in a healthcare environment. Enthusiastic and assertiveness are other personalities that I continue to cultivate for it can affect my patient’s overall outlook with their recovery.

Last, being responsible and skillful for I am constantly educating patient and family ensuring they understand the treatment and options available for them.

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These are some intrinsic characteristics I believe I possessed and it is something that I want to continue to improve by maintaining a balanced mind, body, and soul and by continuing with my higher education. My parents instilled in me that knowledge is power. It is something that nobody can take away from me but something that I can pass on. The meaning holds true then as it is now. Blais & Hayes (2016) explained, as a nurse, “[I am] in a position to play a key role in the reformed healthcare delivery system through promoting wellness and providing preventive healthcare”.

After making an oath as an official registered nurse, my commitment to each of my patient and community is to promote wellness and improve quality of care by means of technology. My desire to continue my BSN is to use it as a platform to expand my medical and healthcare knowledge; sharpened my critical thinking and problem-solving skills; and improve my leadership management abilities that I can integrate with my practice and through a graduate program. The world of medicine is the same as technology, always changing and evolving.

Considering we are in an era that technology is revolutionizing the healthcare system, five years from now, I can see myself as a nurse informatics specialist, finding a solution to help clinical nurses, through the assistance of technology, provide high-quality care with their patient without compromising safety. Working in an intensive care unit (ICU), I have seen many opportunities to improve and integrate new technologies with daily nursing practice. As part of my ten-year plan, I want to improve or create software that can be a solution for nurses and their dissatisfaction with using information and communication technologies. “The commitment to ensuring every patient, every day received the highest quality care possible”.

Like Miller, it is a driving force to my journey towards higher education. It is my responsibility for the commitment I made for my patient and the community as a health promoter thus; it helps me explore my strengths and weaknesses. Understanding that my strengths are my nursing qualities—caring, compassionate, responsible, assertive, skillful, enthusiastic, and knowledgeable empowers me not only as a nurse, but a person that helps support people around me. Every day in ICU is a ground for me to be a nurse learner, educator, health promoter, and a leader. A scenario occurred when I floated to a different unit and a patient is bleeding post surgery.

Since the unit is not familiar with our new rapid transfuser and I am accustomed with the new equipment I was in a position that took control of the situation and provided education later on after the patient has been stabilized. My leadership level is something different from the standard leadership we all know—giving direction and expecting someone to follow it. Instead, my leadership is from recognizing a problem and acting through competency and assertiveness that promoted a safe environment. Understanding the effect of the changes with leadership and nursing practice is crucial for nurses to improve patient care.

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The Caring And Compassion. (2022, Feb 13). Retrieved from