Symbolic Meaning in Gatsby Literature

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Authors use setting and character development to create immersive literary worlds that resonate with readers' interpretations. Establishing a connection with a character evolves from the initial introduction and continues as the plot unfolds, revealing actions and personalities that resonate with the audience. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby is a quintessential example of this dynamic, presenting a complex love story set in the 1920s through the discerning eyes of its protagonist, Nick Carraway. Situated in the contrasting locales of West and East Egg on Long Island, the narrative centers on the enigmatic relationship between Nick and his opulently mysterious neighbor, Jay Gatsby.

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This essay will explore Gatsby’s multifaceted character and his relentless pursuit of the past, focusing on his mysterious nature, meticulous lifestyle, and boundless hope.

The Enigma of Gatsby

From the outset of The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby embodies mystery. His success is shrouded in rumors, and his lavish parties are legendary, yet he remains an enigma to those around him. Gatsby's character development—or lack thereof—throughout the novel is a deliberate choice by Fitzgerald to maintain this sense of mystery. Although Gatsby speaks little of himself, the rumors that swirl around him offer glimpses into his persona. In Chapter 4, a car ride with Nick reveals Gatsby's supposed prosperous past, only to be interrupted by the introduction of Meyer Wolfsheim. Wolfsheim’s comment, “I understand you’re looking for a business connection” (Fitzgerald, p. 70), hints at Gatsby's involvement in questionable activities, further complicating his character. Gatsby's quick dismissal, “Oh, no… this isn’t the man” (p. 71), only deepens the intrigue, suggesting hidden layers to his life. Wolfsheim’s hint at Gatsby’s clandestine business dealings underscores the duality of Gatsby’s existence—outwardly glamorous yet inwardly concealed.

The extravagant parties Gatsby throws every weekend serve a singular purpose: to lure Daisy Buchanan to his door. This obsessive dedication is revealed when Nick attends one of these parties, only to discover that Gatsby, the host, is a figure many guests have never seen. Gatsby’s lack of genuine relationships is highlighted in his interaction with Nick, as he apologizes for not recognizing him in the garden despite having hunted for him earlier (Fitzgerald, p. 52). This encounter encapsulates Gatsby’s isolation, surrounded by people yet profoundly alone. His enigmatic persona not only intrigues the characters within the novel but also captivates readers, leaving them pondering the true nature of Jay Gatsby.

Methodical Pursuit of Dreams

Gatsby’s meticulous nature is evident from his youth, underscoring his unwavering dedication to his dreams. This precision is emblematic of his character, manifesting in both trivial and significant aspects of his life. A schedule from his youth details a regimented routine, including “Rise from bed at 6:00 A.M., Dumbbell exercise and wall-scaling from 6:15-6:30 A.M.” (Fitzgerald, p. 173). This strict adherence to a plan illustrates Gatsby’s determination to shape his destiny, a quality that persists into adulthood as he endeavors to win back Daisy Buchanan.

Nick observes the constant activity at Gatsby’s mansion, with people coming and going to prepare for the next grand event. Gatsby's attention to detail is evident in the elaborate preparations for these parties, as Nick describes, “Every Friday five crates of oranges and lemons arrive… By seven o’clock the orchestra has arrived, no thin five-piece affair, but a whole pitful of oboes and trombones” (Fitzgerald, p. 39-40). Gatsby’s meticulous planning and execution of these parties are not mere displays of wealth but strategic efforts to create an environment that might attract Daisy. His life is orchestrated around a singular vision, demonstrating his methodical pursuit of a dream he refuses to relinquish.

The Unyielding Hope of Gatsby

Hope is the cornerstone of Gatsby’s existence, coloring his worldview as he clings to the dream of rekindling his romance with Daisy Buchanan. Nick Carraway observes this hope as a defining trait of Gatsby, describing him as possessing “an extraordinary gift of hope, a romantic readiness such as I have never found in any other person and which is not likely I shall find again” (Fitzgerald, p. 2). This statement encapsulates the essence of Gatsby’s character—a man whose life is infused with hope, driving him to pursue a seemingly unattainable dream.

The imagery of Gatsby reaching out towards the green light across West Egg Bay is one of the novel’s most poignant symbols. It represents not just Daisy, but the idealized future Gatsby envisions. This beacon of hope motivates him to push beyond the boundaries of reality, striving for a dream that remains just out of reach. Nick eloquently captures this sentiment, stating, “Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter—tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther… And one fine morning” (Fitzgerald, p. 180). The green light symbolizes Gatsby’s relentless hope, a testament to his belief in the possibility of reclaiming the past and achieving the future he so desperately desires.


In conclusion, Jay Gatsby is a character defined by mystery, meticulousness, and enduring hope. Fitzgerald crafts an intricate portrait of a man whose life is consumed by the pursuit of a lost dream. Gatsby’s enigmatic nature, coupled with his methodical lifestyle and unwavering hope, creates a complex character whose motivations and actions captivate readers. Through Gatsby’s story, Fitzgerald explores the themes of love, ambition, and the elusiveness of the American Dream. Gatsby’s pursuit of the past, symbolized by the ever-present green light, serves as a poignant reminder of the power and limitations of hope in shaping our lives.

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Symbolic Meaning in Gatsby Literature. (2023, Aug 16). Retrieved from