NIBRS Vs UCR: Insights into Recidivism & Crime Prevention

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Updated: Aug 13, 2023
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Crime Data Analysis: Dissecting the Differences Between NIBRS and UCR Systems

The crimes with victims aged 12 years and up rose to 3.3 million in 2018, which is an increase of $604,000 victims. White people who were victims increased by 24%, and male victims increased by 29%. The rate of violent victimizations not reported increased to 12.9 per 1,000. 6.0 million violent incidents increased in 2018. The offender was of the same race or ethnicity as the victim in 70% of violent incidents involving black victims, 62% of those involving white victims, 45% of those involving Hispanic victims, and 24% of those involving Asian victims.

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The rate of rape or sexual assault increased by 2.7 per 1,000 in 2018. Property victimizations decreased to 108.2 per 1,000 in 2018” (Morgan, 2019).

Crime data collected varies between sex, race/ethnicity, age, marital status, and household income. It is also broken down into violent crimes (rape/sexual assault, robbery, and assault (aggravated and simple)). Other types of violent crime (domestic violence, stranger violence, crime involving injury, and crime involving weapons). There is also property crime (burglary/trespassing, motor vehicle theft, and other theft). There are a couple of systems that help track and report crime. There are the Uniform Crime Reports and the National Incident-Based Reporting System. The NIBRS is a more updated system than the UCR system. The NIBRS system tracks 46 crimes and contains information about arrests in each incident. The NIBRS contains information regarding victims and offenders (characteristics), the relationship between the two, what was committed, injuries, weapons that might have been used, arrests, and location. The UCR only tracks eight crimes, reports arrests on specific incidents, and does not contain information on each reported incident” (Justice, 2009). 

Therapeutic Interventions and the Socioeconomic Influences on Criminal Behavior

It is very important to offer treatment programs within and outside of the jail/prison. These programs should have payment options set by the courts to ensure payment is received. These programs could be treated as a type of probation period, and their probation officer collects the money. This would require the State to contract with certain facilities/clinics to make this possible. There is a lot of help available to people, but not all people have insurance or the income to afford classes. If the State has some type of government funding to assist in opening a facility that indigent people could go to, it could possibly cut down on some crime. People could seek help prior to committing a crime. People know what the laws are even if they want to say otherwise. Some people possibly act out just to get the help they need.

Identify any other factors you think may contribute to criminal behavior and the crime rate. What social and environmental factors do you believe influence the crime rate? Some races/ethnicity might feel less privileged than others. Some families are more high class, middle class, and low class. People who come from low class will view those that come from high class as privileged. Especially if there are two kids of the same age and same race, one is more low class, and one is high class. Sometimes, you will get a bullying situation because the child who comes from the high class views the child from the low class as poor and invaluable. The scenario can be reversed where you might have a tough child from the low class who bullies a weaker child from the high class. Children don’t realize at a young age that neither child chose their lifestyle. In most cases, parents with a low income didn’t choose to be in that situation. They are doing everything they can to provide and make sure bills are paid. People also fail to realize the child who comes from a high-class family doesn’t know what their parents did to get there. Their parents could have worked multiple jobs and barely saw their kids get to where they are now. People’s social and economic standings should not play a part in criminal behavior. Statistics show people start around age 12 committing crimes.

Influences on Youth: Media, Peer Pressure, and Socioeconomic Challenges

This could be due to interacting with older children, trying to fit in, or just being rebellious all around. Nowadays, with all the violent games and shows, some children cannot separate what is real and what is not. They try to create something they have seen in a game or on tv, not realizing the real consequences of their actions. A lot of younger kids/adults get mixed up with the wrong group of people who persuade them to do bad. This group could consist of a variety of races. Some children are being rebellious due to horrible living conditions (I.E., abusive relatives, neglect, low income, etc.). Multiple factors can contribute to the influence of the crime rate. People think they are entitled to things or should be able to get away with crimes due to their upbringing. However, people fail to realize there are in control of their life and have the choice to change how they were raised or where they were raised. We all wake up with a choice each day on how we want to be.


  1. Justice, D. O. (2009, December 13). National Institute of Justice. Retrieved from Sources of Crime Data:
  2. Morgan, R. E. (2019, September). Criminal Victimization, 2018. Retrieved from U.S Department of Justice:
  3. Justice, D. O. (2009, December 13). National Institute of Justice. Retrieved from Sources of Crime Data:
  4. Morgan, R. E. (2019, September). Criminal Victimization, 2018. Retrieved from U.S Department of Justice:
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NIBRS vs UCR: Insights into Recidivism & Crime Prevention. (2023, Aug 13). Retrieved from