Negative Impact of Gilded Age

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Updated: Jun 21, 2022
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Category:Gilded Age
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During “The Gilded Age” there were many positives impacts to come from industrialization, such as things like steel being introduced, there were more negative impacts going on at the time. For example, poverty, hazardous jobs, and diseases. Firstly, one big impact was poverty. Poverty was very harsh on those people living in the cities. They lived in tiny places such as tenements or flophouses. These “houses” were tiny, like overcrowded apartments, no windows, and they brought diseases. These so called “houses” were so bad for living in but, people back then needed a place to live.

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In “Institute for Children, Poverty, and Homelessness, The Gordan’s Story, 2018” it said,”Storm water poured from the ceiling of the basement apartment and down its plaster walls, soaking the family’s meager bed, dresser, and table before coming to rest in deep, dirty puddles on the floor.” This meaning that the houses were not really stable and were not sanitary.

That’s one reason why te Gilded Age had a negative impact on the people. Secondly, another big impact were the hazardous jobs. Some hazardous jobs were things such as glass workers or women making shirts. Glass workers had very hazardous jobs and their working conditions were not good at all. Working will glass is hard, these workers had to cut them and hanñdle them in many ways. If they were to misplace their hands, or drop it, they would cut their fingers or their bodies.

Glass factories had children working to. In general, glass factories wasn’the te best place to be working att. But, then there’s the women making clothing. Theses women worked hard making shirts and pants. Their working conditions weren’t as good either. They would get hurt badly, or even harassed by the men working there to. There had been incidents were a girl would get her scalp taken off. In, “Clara Lemlich, Life in the Shop, 1909”, it said,”The girls at all the other rows of machines back in the shops have to work by gaslight, by day as well as by night. Oh, yes, the shops keep the work going at night, to.” This meaning that they worked hard all day and all night. Although there were many positives impacts to come from industrialization, such as things like steel being introduced, there were more negative impacts going on at the time. For example, poverty, hazardous jobs, and sickness. 

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Negative Impact Of Gilded Age. (2022, Jun 21). Retrieved from