Martin Luther, King Henry VIII and Catholic Church

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In the sixteenth century, faith reform escort numerous people away from the Catholic Church’s monopolistic restriction over Europe. Recent religious leaders appear, and many concept that had been commonly accepted for decades were bear into question. Radical like Martin Luther and King Henry VIII both antagonistic about the Catholic church, however, it was for different reasoning. Luther abhor the Catholic Church’s selling of extravagance and unquestioning approval of the pope’s testament. Henry wanted more clout over the chapel in his jurisdiction after his were denied his request for a divorce so as to try again to produce a male inheritor and was enticed by the anticipation of the economic opportunities that would emanate were he to have full domination of the chapel in England.

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regardless of Luther and Henry’s similar aim in radiate from the Catholic Church, the two was acting on very different motivations.

Despite the fact that Martin Luther and King Henry VII accomplished heaps of the exact things in establishing their respective sanctuaries, overall, their ambition were particularly different. One intention that the two had in common was discontent, with the current status or how the Catholic Church was being operated. They were despondent with the bulk of jurisdiction that the Catholic Church had over the public’s business. Furthermore, they both found themselves in a battle in opposition to the church tactics started purely from a personal reason. This inflame a ambition for a interchange in both of them, despite the fact that they approached this change in radically various ways.

Henry’s impulse were extensively different from those of Martin, in contempt of that they led to roughly the same conclusion. Henry had joined in holy matrimony with Catherine of Aragon in hopes of bear a son who could obtain the cathedra from him. When she delivered him only a daughter after years of marriage, Henry wanted a divorce. The reason was because he fell in love with Anne Boleyn and requested that Pope Clement VII to declare his marriage to Catherine was invalid. When the pope refused, Henry’s escalated frustrations with the Catholic Church led him to be named the director of the Church of England in the Act of Supremacy in 1534. regardless of his previous bind with the Catholic Church that earned him, the title Defender of the Faith, Henry became a associate of the protestant movement. Being the director of the Church of England proved to be profitable for Henry. He would marketed items from churches; this would be later administer funding to go to war. Although, Henry’s involvement in the reformation appeared to derive entirely from self-interest, it later proved to be useful and resulted in many of changes in England as Luther had brought about in the Holy Roman Empire.

Martin Luther was compelled to argue the Church for many reasons, of which few were common to both he and Henry. Luther was born to a miner, and a profoundly religious mother living in the Holy Roman Empire in 1483. As a youthful man, he joined the Augustinian order, just like Christian Humanist Desiderius Erasmus had accomplish. After fasts, avid prayers, a pilgrimage to Rome and an intense study of the Bible that led to a doctorate in Theology, Luther did not feel that he was being saved was through the Catholic Church; he had a confused consciously and thought of himself as a sinner. One of his gigantic concerns was selling indulgences. People such as Johann Tetzel would attempt the public the opportunity to pay to have their sins annulled; it even got to people that could purchase indulgences for deceased relatives with the intention of buying them out of inferno. Another, of Luther’s greatest trepidation was the pope’s authority over the Bible. Luther opposed this idea of the pope as a supreme being and proposed that anyone could read the Bible and interpret it as they see fit. In order to express his displeasure, Luther composed the 95 theses to express his point of view. Although, Luther was applaud by many, other protestant reformers began appearing on who would challenge his views. Huldrych Zwingli was a priest from Zurich who shared many of Luther’s values and impulse, except their views on transubstantiation, one of the main differences that prevented the two from uniting when they and other supporters of the Reformation met at the Colloquy of Marburg to discuss their views. While, Luther believed in the literal definition of communion, Zwingli interpreted eating the body and blood of Christ merely as a symbol of man’s unity with God. Another reformer who shared many of Luther’s motivations was John Calvin, although Calvin supported the ideology that God had chosen who would go to Heaven or Hell before they were born whereas Martin did not. The German Peasants War was an uprising that began soon after, inspired mainly by Luther’s writings. Luther’s displeasure with the Catholic Church caused a widespread call for religious reform, while in England, King Henry VIII was taking matters into his hands.

There were a few common motivations for which Luther and Henry became a chunk of the protestant reformation, although, they both condemn the Catholic Church’s practices. Martin Luther was unhappy with the church in selling indulgences, and the pope’s absolute power, Meanwhile, Henry was trying to get a divorce and make some money, both of which he achieved. Luther and Henry both present extraordinary roles in the protestant reformation, but their act were initiated by various rationale.

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Martin Luther, King Henry VIII and Catholic Church. (2019, Jan 06). Retrieved from