Mark Antony’s Described Julius Caesar

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Brutus had just spoken saying that Caesar was a tyrant. however, brutus was one of caesar's assassins. In this play Antony spoke after him in order to help him to argue against his point. This scene has taken place in the roman forum. Mark Antony is addressing the people of rome. In this speech, Anthony agree to follow the speech of brutus and since he agreed to not blame the conspirators, Mark Antony uses the three rhetorical techniques to disabuse the Romans of the belief that caesar was too ambitious.

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Brutus uses parallelism to show the contrast between how he loved and respected him as a person, he uses Ethos to express his feeling and emotions how he want people to hear and listen to his speech and Lastly he uses Antistrophe by repeating the word honourable man which means the repetition of the same word or phrase at the end of successive clauses.

Parallelism in Antony's Speech

Shakespeare's Mark Antony speech is an eulogy to Julius Caesar. it is a piece of ceremonial discourse as well as a causal argument. The author use Parallelism in the speech to make the argument more compelling. one example could be found in line nineteen, where shakespeare writes, When the poor hath cried, caesar hath wept, (shakespeare, 3.2). Parallelism occurs when two or more parts of a sentence have the same or a very similar grammatical structure. Parallelism is also the repetition of the same or similar words or phrases in a sentence or speech. One important example of parallelism is the speech's opening: "Friends, Romans, countrymen": this is classic parallelism that addresses the crowd using three nouns in a row.

Antony uses Antistrophe by repeating the word Ambitious and Honorable man a lot of time throughout t the book. Through this repetition of word antony mocks brutus trying to justify his actions by saying that caesar was too ambitious. Different types of repetition is used in antony's speech and he manipulates them ironically to cause the Roman crowd to be swayed. Epistrophe is evident in the lines ten, eleven, fifteen, twenty-two and twenty-seven, which all of this phrases end with the word ambitious and honorable men,(Shakespeare 3.2).My evidence and analysis connect back to my claim by how Antony continually thinks back on the great things Caesar did for the good of the Roman people, often foregoing personal gain in the process. He recalls how Caesar brought money into the city through the ransoms paid for his captives.

In conclusion Antony uses the three different rhetorical techniques to tell the plebeians that they should not disapprove of brutus and his actions. In this book we can see the plebeians hear brutus's speech and antony's speech, the most motivated and affected speech was antony's because he described caesar as honorable man and after his death and he read his will to all the people, also he convinces the people of rome to avenge caesar's death with him.

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Mark Antony's Described Julius Caesar. (2019, Jul 19). Retrieved from