Mahatma Gandhi – Independence Movement for India

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“Mahatma Gandhi was a key factor in the independence movement for India. He was a peaceful leader and is known for his civil disobedience that influenced the world. Gandhi was a man who did not believe in violence to achieve greatness. He is named the “Great soul,” and people still talk about him today because of what he did in his life. A huge impact has been made on India and world history because of Gandhi’s successes.

Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 in Porbandar India.

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He was many things, including a lawyer, writer, politician, and most importantly a social activist and nationalist. He took much pride in India and used that pride to fight for independence. He became the outstanding leader of the nationalist movement against the British! The British rule of India was against the idea of giving India their independence.

When India was ruled by Britain, Gandhi knew he could help India in gaining their independence. He led India to their independence by using civil disobedience acts that were non-violent. Since this is what Gandhi believed in, he produced the term “satyagraha,” which means “truth and love against force.” He felt so strongly about this idea that he sincerely believed it could change the world for the better. However, war and violence is almost inevitable even to this day. This did not stop Gandhi because he did everything he could to make that change.

In 1930, Gandhi led a civil disobedience movement called the Salt March. It took from March to April to complete the long journey to the ocean. The salt march was a two hundred and forty mile march to the ocean in order to make salt. He did this along with thousands of followers because the British had just put out a tax on salt. It is known that everyone needs salt to live. This really affected the people of India, especially the poorest of them all. It was not as successful as Gandhi thought it would be, considering he and about six thousand others were arrested. However, it was a way that united the people of India, only making them stronger. Once Gandhi was released from prison, he knew something else had to be done in order to gain independence for India.

Help was provided by Gandhi in many other ways and acts of civil disobedience, such as protests and organizations. In South Africa, he peacefully protested against the discrimination against the Indians. He tried desperately to get rid of the caste system, which was a class system but no one was able to move up or down in it. He was involved in many acts so as to end Britain’s’ discrimination towards India. This was only the beginning. After World War I, Gandhi started to organize more peaceful protests in order to get some relief for the population of India. Soon enough, British troops started gunning down the innocent Indian protesters along with Gandhi himself.

The reputation of Gandhi was growing all over the world. Millions of people were aware of his peaceful protests and other acts of civil disobedience. He knew he had the world’s eyes on him, so he took advantage of that. Gandhi was against the caste system to a very high extent. It seems to be ironic that he was born into a very privileged caste system. However, he knew it was unfair.

One of Gandhi’s tactics in order to free the “untouchables” from isolation was to start fasting. He and his people began fasting in order to influence the British to change their minds on the discrimination towards the untouchables, who are the lowest of the low in the caste system. He continued to fast until there was a change being made. To his great success, the British let go of the isolation law against the untouchables. The British knew how many people knew of Gandhi and his ways of peace and they did not want the pressure of being held responsible for Gandhi and his people dying of starvation.

After all the accomplishments Mahatma Gandhi achieved throughout his entire lifetime, he ended up shot and killed on the 30th of January in 1948. He was assassinated by Nathuram Godse. At the time, Gandhi was 78 and very weak, fragile, and thin from fasting. Nathuram Godse shot him three times in the stomach and chest while Gandhi was on his way to a prayer meeting. It was a devastating death. His followers, along with the rest of the world were deeply affected considering Gandhi was the man who got them through it all. This caused a riot. There were riots and violence all over the Brahmins because that is what Nathuram Godse was. Unfortunately, it would have been very disappointing for Gandhi if he were around to witness what his people were doing; considering he was absolutely against the idea of violence in all.

Gandhi helped India gain their independence without ever firing a single shot! The Indian Independence movement lasted from 1857 all the way to 1947. He inspired civil disobedience movements all around the world and took control over the Indian Nationalist Movement when striving for success. Gandhi reached out to seek possible change wherever he went and however he possibly could. He tried to compromise and find a possible solution to the issues and problems that the British kept feeding him. People still talk about Gandhi to this day and how he was a hero. He got India through one of the toughest times in history and did it without ever attempting any violent acts or protests. Historians say that Gandhi himself, was able to prove that one man really can make a difference.”

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Mahatma Gandhi - Independence Movement for India. (2021, Mar 16). Retrieved from