Library 2.0: its Influence in Ozamiz City’s Academia

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Updated: Aug 27, 2023
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How it works

According to Stephens and Collins (2007), Podcasting is a form of audio blogging. An interview, short presentation, or speech is attached as an audio file to a blog post and syndicated via RSS. Some libraries offer podcasts as educational recordings about the library programs. Academic library podcasts focus on the new resources in the library and give information to the students through recording. Podcast is a beneficial and excellent learning tool for the slightly deaf, blind, and have low vision. By checking the new updates, the users receive the new items automatically.

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Libraries in the Digital Age

Libraries might promote their essential audio/video collections, speeches of worthy and vital personalities, classroom lectures, and multimedia presentations to their user community via Podcasting. Podcasting will be used in academic libraries as audio books, tutorials, new bulletins, lectures, interviews, etc. The use of Podcasting in the library is to create a virtual library guide or orientation or library guides that provide library services more effectively.

A blog is a simple content management system that users can create and maintain to publish easily updatable web content (Boulos & Wheeler, 2007). It contains regularly added article entries called posts, arranged chronologically, generally with the most recent posts displayed first. Using blogs, there are some educational benefits. For instance, blogging can enhance critical, analytical, and creative thinking. Blogs have been used to publish information in a reachable and productive way effectively. Information is presented creatively, allowing libraries to communicate with their users and keep them informed about the library services and events. Blogs encourage user’s reactions and comments to posts as they carry a comment feature where users can post their feedback messages. Blogs encourage communication and interaction between the library staff and patrons.

Social networking sites are online platforms designed to facilitate building social networks or social relationships among people, making real-life connections, creating and sharing content, and engaging in conversations (Stephens & Collins, 2007). Social networking allows users to interact, share, and create content. Sites such as Yahoo Mail, Gmail, Twitter, and Facebook will allow users to interact with others. Will establish friendships or connect to others, and they can engage in conversations or share ideas. Social networking also creates connections to the patrons to allow communication and service distribution online.

Engaging with Library Users Online

An online public access catalog (OPAC) is a form of the library catalog whereby the bibliographic records of all the documents in a collection are kept in the computer memory disk (Aina, 2004). It allows users to find books, journals, conference proceedings, reports, and other resources they want. It helps the users to find books easily. Compared to the traditional card catalog search options, OPAC offers limitless size and ability in searching like Boolean search, Keyword Search, and Visual search.

Hence, academic libraries use the Library 2.0 services because it will help the users interact with the librarian online without going to the library. The 2.0 tools in the academic library increase its role in assisting and facilitating the users by giving relevant information. Library 2.0 tools give library users a role, which needs their participation in the services offered and how they use these services. Library 2.0 seeks to break down the barriers, such as the barriers in place, the barriers in time, and what they do. In this, libraries can get knowledge and information to the users wherever the users are, the place where they are, and whatever they are doing.

Unfortunately, not all academic libraries adopt the Library 2.0. The concept of the Library 2.0 is still new to other academic libraries. Tripathi and Kumar (2010) stated that there needs to be more literature concerning Library 2.0 utilization by libraries in developing countries.

With all the points shown, this study will be conducted to determine the usage of the Library 2.0 services to the students of the academic libraries in Ozamiz City. 


  1. Aina, L. (2004). Online public access catalogues (OPACs): Towards a user-friendly interface.
  2. Boulos, M. N. K., & Wheeler, S. (2007). The emerging Web 2.0 social software: An enabling suite of sociable technologies in health and health care education. Health Information & Libraries Journal, 24(1), 2-23.
  3. Stephens, M., & Collins, S. (2007). Web 2.0, Library 2.0, and the hyperlinked library. Serials Review, 33(4), 253-256.
  4. Tripathi, M., & Kumar, S. (2010). Use of Web 2.0 tools in academic libraries: A reconnaissance of the international landscape. The International Information & Library Review, 42(3), 195-207.
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Library 2.0: Its Influence in Ozamiz City's Academia. (2023, Aug 27). Retrieved from