Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.: Inspiring Change through Small Acts

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Updated: Aug 30, 2023
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In this day and age, we all see the headlines plastered all over the news, TV, magazines, and articles about prejudice, violence, and injustice, which is disheartening to read day after day.

The Power of Individual Contribution

Although countless of us are discouraged, we must remember change is always possible. Martin Luther King Jr. started off just like you and me and ended up a successful icon and leader during the Civil Rights movement owing to his taking risks and having the will to fight for what he thought was right.

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As he took small steps in the movement, he gained fame and awareness for his actions. He inspired hundreds of thousands of people in his lifetime and continues to inspire thousands after his death.

Inspiration from the Civil Rights Movement

During the Civil Rights movement, Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. ushered in the words, “If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.” This quote makes me feel hope for humanity. For me, it is a personal reminder that there will always be people in the world who risk and put everything on the line fighting for the change they believe this world needs, even when it feels as though all hope is lost. The Civil Rights Movement is a great example from history proving change is possible when we all pull our weight. It would not have been successful without everyday individuals, black or white, giving their small efforts toward the cause of equality.

The Ripple Effect of Small Actions

Even though a small task seems useless, it could affect everything. Think of Rosa Parks; she refused to sit at the back of the bus and was arrested and fingerprinted. It was a small price to pay, but in the end, it made all the difference and is remembered for being an influential model during the Civil Rights Movement. The smallest burdens and choices could have an impactful influence on your life. Although the average American does not have the power to influence millions, we can still make a difference in anything we have the courage and will to stand up for. Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929, and died on April 4, 1968. 50 years later, his legacy remains.

Honoring Martin Luther King Jr.’s Legacy

All of us should honor his sacrifices by following his footsteps and doing the same as he did; find a cause you are passionate about, and contribute your effort so as to make a change, whether it is humongous or small. All you need is the drive, perseverance, will, and courage to rise above.


  1. Morris, A. D. (1986). The origins of the civil rights movement: Black communities organizing for change. Free Press.
  2. Honey, M. K. (2007). Going down Jericho Road: The Memphis strike, Martin Luther King’s last campaign. WW Norton & Company.
  3. Sunstein, C. R. (2017). Republic: Divided democracy in the age of social media. Princeton University Press.
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Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.: Inspiring Change through Small Acts. (2023, Jun 20). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/legacy-of-martin-luther-king-jr-inspiring-change-through-small-acts/