The Morning Star Company’s Self-Management Model

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Updated: Dec 07, 2024
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Leadership pyramids crumble as new organizational architectures rise from their dust. The Morning Star Company, a $700-million tomato processing company based in California, stands as a remarkable example of how alternative management structures can lead to successful business operations. This analysis examines the company's unique lattice structure, its implementation of self-management principles, and the broader implications for modern organizational design.

Foundation of Self-Management

Do you ever feel like your boss has too much control over you in the workplace and doesn't allow you to self-manage enough? Then the Morning Star Company would be the perfect fit for you.

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Founded on principles that prioritize individual autonomy and collaborative decision-making, the Morning Star Company was founded with a core philosophy surrounding self-management and freedom. This innovative approach is demonstrated through their rigorous applicant screening process to ensure employees are fit for the job and their comprehensive training program on adapting to the self-managing environment.


At the heart of Morning Star's organizational structure lies a sophisticated system of peer accountability and collaborative agreements. Instead of having a formal boss, employees tend to check or rather manage each other. The company implements two key mechanisms to ensure effective coordination:

  • Annual Personal Mission Statements: Each employee is required to write a personal mission statement every year that states how they plan to contribute to the company.
  • Collaborative Agreements: They also have to negotiate a CLOU agreement (Colleague Letter of Understanding) with other employees that rely upon or are affected by their work. This creates a web of mutual accountability and clear expectations among team members.

Conflict Resolution Framework

Morning Star has developed a systematic approach to handling disagreements that preserves their commitment to self-management while ensuring effective resolution of disputes. If two employees disagree about the CLOU agreement, they follow a structured process:

  1. Direct negotiation between involved parties
  2. Mediation by a chosen colleague
  3. Review by a committee of six employees
  4. Presidential intervention as a last resort

Comparative Analysis with Traditional Structures

Working for the Morning Star Company would be fundamentally different from working for a traditional, bureaucratically structured company because Morning Star uses a distinctively collaborative structure. The lattice structure empowers employees to:

  • Form self-managing subteams
  • Acquire necessary training and resources independently
  • Take ownership of objectives typically managed by traditional supervisors

Advantages and Limitations

The implementation of a lattice structure presents both significant benefits and potential challenges:


  • Enhanced job enrichment and empowerment
  • Greater individual freedom in task management
  • Increased employee engagement and ownership


  • Potential communication gaps between team members
  • Complex coordination requirements
  • Need for highly self-motivated employees

Future Applications and Considerations

The success of Morning Star's organizational model raises important questions about its broader applicability. The lattice structure would be ineffective in businesses with global operations or those requiring strong hierarchical authority. However, its principles might be adaptable through:

  • Modified team-based structures
  • Hybrid organizational models
  • Selective implementation in specific departments


The Morning Star Company's innovative approach to organizational structure demonstrates that alternative management models can successfully support large-scale business operations. While the lattice structure may not be universally applicable, its core principles of self-management, collaborative decision-making, and employee empowerment offer valuable insights for organizations seeking to evolve beyond traditional hierarchical structures. The company's success suggests that when properly implemented and supported by appropriate systems, self-management can create both operational efficiency and employee satisfaction.

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The Morning Star Company's Self-Management Model. (2023, Mar 20). Retrieved from