Examples of Manipulation in Animal Farm

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Examples of Manipulation in Animal Farm

This essay will analyze examples of manipulation in George Orwell’s “Animal Farm.” It will discuss how the characters, particularly the pigs, use manipulation to control and exploit other animals. The piece will examine the novel’s critique of propaganda, power dynamics, and political corruption, drawing parallels to real-world historical events. On PapersOwl, there’s also a selection of free essay templates associated with Animal Farm.

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George Orwell’s Animal Farm the creator of a very great book. From the Rebellion onward,animal farm i based on when the russian revolution happen However, while the attack dogs keep the other animals in line, Napoleon’s wanted to keep everyone in line decisions. To check this threat to the pigs’ power, Napoleon relies on rousing slogans, songs, and phrases like when he said 4 legs good 2 legs bad. On Animal Farm, it quickly becomes clear that language. So it can help everyone remember and he did it so he can trick people

The pigs rely on slogans, poems, and commandments to both inspire the animals and keep them subservient.

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The reason they did that is because the pigs couldn’t really read or write that good . When written commandments prove too difficult for many of the animals, the pigs synthesize them into a single, brief catchphrase: Four legs good, two legs bad.The slogan inspires the animals to adore their leaders rather than fear them, and by repeating it they deepen their commitment to the pigs. Also they did a lot of stuff like trying to fix the windmill because it broke.” The animals eventually use the pigs’ slogans to police themselves, such as when several animals protest Napoleon’s decision to begin trading farm products to human. The pigs where for the humans so they tricked everyone. The central role of rhetoric in the pigs’ administration is illustrated by the power afforded Squealer, the aptly-named spokespig, as well as the presence of a government poet pig, Minimus.

The songs were so they can keep it in there head so they wouldn’t forget. When Napoleon violently seizes power, he quickly justifies his takeover by falsely denouncing his former ally and fellow revolutionary, Snowball, is a enemy of Animalism. In fact, he continuously Snowball was a bad persons he wanted to be the leader so bad. Despite the fact that many of the animals remember Snowball receiving a medal for his bravery in the Battle of the Cowshed, Squealer convinces them that Snowball had actually fought alongside Mr. Jones against the animals.the boxer was used and slaugher in the book later on . “Ah, that is different,” exclaims Boxer. “If Comrade Napoleon says it, it must be right.” Later, as the pigs move into the farmhouse, Squealer makes more revisions to the official doctrine when he secretly amends the commandment “No animal shall sleep in a bed” to “No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets” and revises the rule about drinking to “No animal shall drink alcohol to excess.”The pigs were mean and kept to there self.” When the animals actually catch Squealer in the act of rewriting the commandments, they don’t seriously suspect anything, a testament to the power the pigs’ rhetoric and language has over them.

The pigs’ slogans and catchphrases have brainwashed the other animals to such an extent that even when the dogs slaughter dozens of animals for supposedly having colluded with Snowball, they don’t question Napoleon’s leadership. Although unsettled, their misgivings melt away as soon as the sheep chime in with “their usual bleating” of Animal Farm’s primary maxim, “‘Four legs good, two legs bad,’” which they chant for “several minutes” until the possibility of discussion has passed. Of course, not all political rhetoric is categorically bad we see the rousing affect Old Major’s song “The Beasts of England” has on the animals and how it prompts them to overthrow the tyrant Farmer Jones and create their own government. Orwell argues, however, that language can be used just as effectively for more sinister purposes, as a device of social manipulation and control, and that such rhetoric is often far more powerful than state sanctioned violence or the threat of physical force.

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Examples of Manipulation in Animal Farm. (2019, Oct 16). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/language-as-a-device-of-social-manipulation/