Keeping our Schools Safe

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Updated: Dec 08, 2024
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Sunlight streams through your window, promising a day filled with knowledge and friendship - the simple joy of being a student. Now, imagine the sudden shock of hearing gunshots at school—three deafening blasts that shatter the peace. The chaos, fear, and uncertainty are palpable as lockdown mode is initiated. Tears stream down your face as you whisper what you fear might be your last words to your loved ones. The police try to console you, but the good feelings of the morning vanish, just like the lives of too many friends.

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In moments like this, all you want to do is scream, but instead, you must walk out with your hands on your head. Unfortunately, school shootings occur more frequently than many realize. To combat this, all schools should implement enhanced safety regulations and provide comprehensive mental health care to ensure better protection for students.

The Importance of Mental Health

Mental health is a crucial aspect that should never be overlooked. Every child has experienced stress or sadness, often stemming from academic pressures or interpersonal relationships. However, some individuals struggle to manage these emotions. As researcher Glenn Geher, Ph.D., noted, "What happened yesterday when a young man killed 17 at a high school in Parkland, Florida, is starting to seem like a typical news story." This statement underscores the alarming frequency of school shootings, which have averaged one per week this year.

The root of this crisis often lies in unaddressed mental health issues. For instance, Nikolas Cruz, the Parkland High School shooter, became depressed and abusive following a breakup. This emotional turmoil spiraled out of control, culminating in the tragic loss of 17 lives. Dr. Allison Agliata emphasizes the importance of open communication, suggesting that "it is often best to let your child take the lead in asking questions about difficult situations." Allowing children to express their feelings can prevent them from feeling isolated or trapped. Establishing a strong support system, whether through friendships or counseling, can significantly improve mental health. However, addressing mental health is just one piece of the puzzle; enhancing school safety measures is equally vital.

Improving Safety Regulations

Every school must prioritize safety regulations. Metal detectors, for example, are a crucial tool in preventing potential threats. Some, like Donald Trump, argue that "even if the money is in the budget, one could argue that it's an unnecessary expense for most communities." While cost is a concern, the primary focus should be on safeguarding students' lives. Metal detectors are increasingly common in schools, as noted by Joe Vazquez: "Metal detectors are on the rise right now." Thousands of schools have adopted this technology because it enhances safety. In one instance, a school shooting occurred because the metal detectors were not activated that day. Had they been operational, the shooter might not have been able to carry out the attack. This highlights the critical role of safety measures in preventing such tragedies.

Most schools do not have dedicated security personnel on-site throughout the day. Initially skeptical, I now concur with Scm's assertion that "schools should have security entrances with armed guards and metal detectors similar to courthouses and airports." The rigorous security protocols at airports should serve as a model for schools, ensuring that entry is tightly controlled to protect children. This concern extends beyond parents to anyone interested in preserving the safety of the next generation. The Broader Context of Safety

The issue of school safety extends beyond individual institutions, impacting communities nationwide. The Washington Post reports that "even kids who come from middle-class and upper-middle-class communities literally don't feel safe in school." This data illustrates a widespread problem that demands urgent action. Students should never feel unsafe in an environment designed for learning and growth. Unfortunately, the proliferation of firearms exacerbates this issue. While guns are intended for protection, they are frequently misused to inflict harm. Despite numerous gun laws, many have proven ineffective in curbing violence.

To address this complex issue, we must focus on strengthening school safety measures. Protecting students, teachers, and the broader school community is paramount. Achieving this requires a multifaceted approach that includes both enhanced security protocols and comprehensive mental health support.

Taking Action

Protecting yourself and others is of utmost importance in today's world. Every school should have robust safety regulations and mental health care to ensure effective school protection. Imagine waking up and genuinely looking forward to a good day at school. To make this a reality, there are several ways to advocate for change. One effective strategy is to contact local senators and express your concerns. Senators are elected to represent your interests, so leverage this resource to initiate meaningful change.

Additionally, remain vigilant and report any suspicious behavior to a trusted authority. If you encounter disturbing images, threatening messages, or explicit warnings, alert the appropriate officials. While these actions may seem minor, they have prevented numerous potential attacks. By taking proactive steps, we can create a safer, more supportive environment for all students. Through collective effort and unwavering commitment, we can transform schools into secure havens where students can thrive without fear.

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Keeping our Schools Safe. (2019, Aug 08). Retrieved from