Junot Diaz’s “This is how you Lose Her”

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Junot Diaz’s This is how you lose her is among the major collection of narratives he has written from expirience. The collection story features protagonist issues of the Dominican people who face difficulties in life plus have their eyes always revolve, as they seek true love. How you lose her, is a great book that puts the reader in a mood of sluice whereby they are placed to a situation of putting lives in the narrative, and tearing down every little error they have brought.

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The short story is sharp as well as raw with emotions whereby the author creates a working-class rhythm. Junot Diaz as the author ensures his collection deals with mens infidelity in romantic relationships. His ideas on Dominican immigrants received several positive reviews from his publication, which suggests that he is too good for his own writings .

Diaz was born in the Dominican Republic where he developed several ideas in his collections his core issue in the writing was to support human rights of crisis. Diaz was arrested and accused of being unpatriotic plus how he stripped off awards from undocumented immigrants. However, he was an immigrant in America where he arrived at the age of six and won prizes. It appeared unusual for an obsessed kid from an immigrant family winning prizes thereby he generated the several ideas of writing from experience (Decena 2011, 21).

Dominican relation to the collectionDominican Americans are the latest national cultures in America whereby occupants are still in the process of creating better lives. The relationship with the United States is still evolving with time since most of the immigrant groups have curved out. According to Junot Diazs This is How You Lose Her, the Dominican Americans will find a way find a way in the States plus it is always working hard in creating a unique culture.

I agree with the collection illustrating that, Dominicans will not abandon their culture despite being immigrants in the American States thereby they are not ready to embrace other cultures(Diaz 2012, 13).However, Diaz perfectly unveil the admirable life in Dominican as one filled with prejudice as well as poverty hence there is reliable love as well as trust. The author clearly suggests that as an experienced immigrant, he generated the higher visibility from his origin culture and, not adopted from America cultures as the non-migrants claims. According to This is How You Lose Her, Diaz show the tension felt by immigrants plus the difficult they faced in creating their identity between the two cultures. The collection is therefore trying to implicit the idea of how the Dominican colonists especially men cannot bridge the gap with the Americans thus remain distant.

Poor decisionsDiaz emphasizes on the effort Dominicans put in developing their relationship with the Americans, by trying to show their skills that would benefit the nation. Despite the much effort from immigrants, they are still viewed as people of color. The narrative gives facts on how Americans holds various misconceptions about the migrants. However, unlike many other groups the Dominicans have been viewed as coming from the poorest as well as poorly educated community (Decena 2011, 44). Diaz also views it as unfair from experience, that his originality is accused a burden on the federal government.

I therefore support a statement in Junot Diazs This is How You Lose Her, that the United States is a composite of many individuals whereby once they were victims of racism as well as torture.Diaz short story is sharp in elaborating how men in Dominican are highly obsessed with sex plus the difficulties women face while dreaming of safe heavens. It is a world where people face torture filled with much regrets from the American, leaving them with no hope (Decena 2011, 29).

As the book suggests the migration practice in Dominican has brought no benefit especially on the gender roles that have been transformed. In real sense men are head of families thus obliged with the final authority, and women take responsibilities over household tasks. However, the immigration processes have denied these rights to the Dominican migrants whereby the pattern has completely changed. I tend to support Diaz, illustrating that male in Dominican are highly challenged by the women who have recently taken full control over their responsibilities. It is however possible to conclude that gender differences in marriages is changing at a higher rate whereby women have taken control over everything (Diaz 2012, 33).


In conclusion, it is essential for the United States to consider Dominican Republican as one of them by including it in the development projects. The education sector covers an important part in the Dominican migrants since they are better educated with much focus as compared to those individuals who remains at home.

Diaz being an experience migrant has taken part in fighting a political battle over education to his people. However, in the short story Dominican Americans are the latest national cultures in America whereby occupants are still in the process of creating better lives. The relationship with the United States is still evolving with time since most of the immigrant groups have curved out (Decena 2011, 21).


  • Diaz, Junot.? This Is How You Lose Her. , 2012.
  • Internet resource.Decena, Carlos U.? Tacit Subjects: Belonging and Same-Sex Desire Among Dominican Immigrant Men. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2011.
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Junot Diaz's "This is How You Lose Her". (2019, Apr 08). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/junot-diazs-this-is-how-you-lose-her/