Issues in Huxley’s Brave New World

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In the novel, “The Brave New World”, Aldous Huxley delineates the petrifying vision of a futuristic world in which high-tech machinery controls the creation and management of everything. In this world, there are no humans but robots with faces of the human. Further, in his novel, he defines happiness as being in a world without moral values, family relationships and personal identity. He tries to depict through his novel the willingness of the people to give up their liberty and individuality in future at the expense of the advancement in technology.

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The main issue with this novel is how Huxley views the world through the materialistic perspective. 

However, the word, brave, I feel does not fit well with this novel as it does not demonstrate the bravery of a person. Instead, it portrays the cowardness of people as they could not face their problems with courage and need the drug, “Soma”, to run away from their hardships. From a moral perspective, the dystopian community represented by Huxley can be to some extent morally correct as it encourages and spreads happiness, but how can getting happiness be the worth of refusing freedom and culture of oneself. Living in a world where my individuality and identity is considered an imperative part of a person, I would not want to lose my freedom at any cost and find happiness through material things like Soma.
In the World State, individuals are primarily regarded as loyal consumers and beneficiaries of technological progress. They tend to accept information unquestioningly and lack confidence in making decisions independently. Freedom of expression is practically nonexistent because people are conditioned to experience happiness from the moment they are created. In cases of unhappiness, they turn to Soma, a substance that restores happiness to their lives. In “Social Psychology, Moral Character, and Moral Fallibility,” the author emphasizes that our cultural environment significantly shapes the development of our character (Besser-Jones).

As people in World State are don’t feel the need to disagree on anything. It is weird and strange that how people in World state are misrepresented with the reality of life and think of temporary happiness as the reality of the World. From moral principles of Beauchamp and Childress, the respect for autonomy is highly questionable in this life as people in World State do not have right to decide for themselves, in fact, they are imposed with a hindrance to innovation and originality. (Beauchamp and Childress)

The World State’s motto is “Community, Identity, Stability,” which may appear ironic since it undermines individuality and the right to free will. The novel depicts a society where individuals are conditioned to forsake their identity in order to maintain a stable social order. This stability is gauged by the residents’ happiness, physical well-being, their fearless attitude towards death, and their lack of emotional attachments. In this context, individuality and uniqueness are seen as obstacles to achieving happiness, hindering the World State’s functioning. The state’s controllers go to great lengths to prevent residents from exploring their individuality.

However, I personally believe that understanding one’s identity and distinguishing oneself from others is essential in pursuing life’s goals. Without knowing who I am, I would be like a rudderless boat adrift at sea. As the influential philosopher, theologian, and jurist Thomas Aquinas once said, “To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.” In the World State, inhabitants may lack knowledge of faith, religion, and God, as they adhere to the beliefs of controllers who advocate independence from religion and God. These individuals are taught to despise feelings of isolation to prevent them from believing in God and nature. Religion offers insights into our origins and purpose, but how can technology’s creations understand the significance of religion in human life? The World State’s inhabitants belong to a consumer-oriented culture and place more faith in technology than in the existence of God and spirituality. In the article “Ethical Issues in Genetic Engineering,” the author discusses how genetic engineering challenges the concept of God and religion, raising concerns among religious leaders (Murray). I personally have faith in religion, as it sometimes elucidates the inexplicable.

How can a society that creates babies outside the womb and trains them to prioritize sexual contentment, consumerism, and loyalty to their stable community not be considered immoral? These individuals are conditioned in an environment where ethics, religion, and family-related concepts are prohibited (Dacre). The word “mother,” which holds great significance elsewhere, is considered indecent in the World State, as its residents are born in test tubes and have never experienced a mother’s love. It seems that the World State has no place for individuals with emotions and love, using a drug like soma to symbolize dehumanization and reckless pleasure.

In his novel, Huxley illustrates a future shaped by technology, one that could result in a society devoid of individuality, human emotions, family bonds, and religious faith. While scientific advancements are typically seen as a means to enhance human surroundings and achieve perfection, Huxley’s work encourages us to consider a different perspective on technology. In the Brave New World, technological progress takes center stage, prioritizing commercialization and technological advancement over the yearning for love and family (Miller). It offers a glimpse of a world dominated by well-established machinery, where both individuals and the state are controlled. In today’s world, technology plays a paramount role in our lives, safeguarding us from illnesses and diseases through medical breakthroughs. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that technology can also pose a threat to humanity, as exemplified in the World State.

Personally, I do not think I could best fit or even want to fit in a world where I am controlled by someone. I am proud of the relationships I have developed and want to cherish them for my rest of life. Emotions and attachment to close ones do not make me weak but strong from inside. They give me hope and encouragement in my bad times to conquer my obstacles. They are the reason for my true happiness, and thus I do not need a drug to find my happiness.

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Issues In Huxley's Brave New World. (2022, Feb 08). Retrieved from