Is Space Exploration Worth the Cost? Mars Settlement Pros and Cons

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Mars: Humanity’s Next Frontier – Exploring the Feasibility, Challenges, and Evolutionary Implications of Colonization

Colonization of space has been one of the major goals that humanity has been focused on, especially in the case of Mars. The Planet is the closest to Earth and has been considered the most preferred destination by scientists. Bodies such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have been determined to find life elsewhere apart from planet Earth, with Mars being their major target because of the close similarities between the two bodies.

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In a book by James Oberg and Alcestis Oberg (Pioneering Space), specifically focusing on the last chapter, “The Coming Schism.” they posit that humans can colonize space. A lot of literature has been written on the subject of Mars colonization, some of which is objective, whereas the rest is mere speculation. Mars is the closest Planet to the Earth, and based on technological advancements as well as the existence of terrestrial life, humanity is poised to colonize it, although the timeline remains unclear. Aspects such as travel and exploration, colonization and settlement on Mars, separation and revolution, as well as evolution, are pertinent subjects in Oberg’s article, with linkages to external news articles as well.

Challenges in the Space Race: Investigating Mars Mission Setbacks and the Quest for Supremacy

Space exploration was a competition a few years ago when the first man walked on the Moon. The U.S. is one of the countries competing to set up their base on Mars before other countries such as China and Russia. Over the years, all space flights have experienced different kinds of challenges and failures. Most space flights have experienced challenges ranging from leaking and the explosion of the propulsion systems, a short circuit in the power systems, and failure of the observation equipment prompting NASA to set up three teams to investigate the $125 million debacles to determine the causes of the mass failures on the U.S. to discover and colonize Mars. An article published by Oberg in a Press Release noted that, “Our inability to recognize and correct this simple error has had major implications. We have underway a thorough investigation to understand this issue. As is normal in such cases, all data was impounded for use in the accident investigations, and all participants in the mission were ordered not to talk to the press” (Oberg and Alcestis).

Should We Spend Money on Space Exploration? Evaluating Challenges, Ambitions, and the Future of Mars Colonization

This assertion was in reference to a statement issued by Edward Stone, the director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. It is quite clear that NASA faced numerous challenges in systems engineering and human errors. This is a clear indication that the journey to Mars has not been easy. The U.S. government has made numerous steps in its mission to set a base on the Planet. According to an article published by The Scotsman in 2006, Professor Jochem Hauser noted that “If everything went well, a working engine could be tested in five years to ensure that the journey to Mars is successful” (The Scotsman). From the part failures, all the federal agencies involved are putting all their efforts into ensuring there are fewer human errors and systems failures in the next quest to establish their base on Mars.

The colonization of Mars may not come as a surprise as the world’s superpower countries have shown their interest in colonizing Mars. The hype to colonize Mars is still there, as different countries and organizations have already published their speculated timelines for human explorations. This excitement is purely based on the technological advancements and social progressions in the 21st century, where efforts to find life and settle on Mars are aimed at. The increasing desire for humanity to supervise other planets is also seen in the quote below; “In spite of their probably international make-up, permanent populations of off-worlders will sooner or later become identified with one another rather than with their nations of origins” (Oberg and Alcestis).

Journey to the Red Planet: Timeline, Collaborations, and Preparations for Mars Settlement

What the quote tries to explain is that the settlement on Mars, more so by the astronauts that travel there, will see a creation of a new group of people. For instance, in the 2010s, the Mars Colonial Transport SpaceX plans were released. In 2018, NASA expects to land on Mars at the Elysium Planitia. In preparation for human arrival, NASA has engaged companies such as SpaceX and Blue Origin in the development and building of lander vehicles that have the capability of landing on the Moon and back. In 2021, NASA aims to collect samples on the Planet and brings them back for analysis. Also, China and the United Arab Emirates expect to land their landers on the Planet. It is important to note that two Cargo Starships are expected to land on the Planet in 2019. These ships will carry nuclear reactors, which have automatic propellant plants that are expected to produce oxygen and methane gases to support life in the plant (Oberg and Alcestis).

Mars Through the Decades: Projected Growth, Settlements, and the Path to Independence

In the 2030s, NASA is expected to report on the best location to establish life. A second crew and astronauts. Also, several space agencies are expected to finance some scientific operations and transport their scientists to Mars. The first child is anticipated to be born at the Mars Base Alpha. His or her bones and organs are not expected to fit into the Earth’s atmosphere. In the 2040s, Mars is expected to acquire its orbital space station. More human colonists composed of workers from various space exploration agencies are predicted to land on the Planet. The arrival will be followed by the establishment of small proxies for scientific and mining purposes. “Space exploration is worth a human life” (Meter). By 2049, the total Mars population is expected to be at 3000 people. Later on, in the 2050s, the bases on the Planet are expected to grow into various colonies. There will be increased electrical power and industrial capabilities. In the 2017’s the human post will be expected to spread over the Planet. Self-government is likely to be established in the 2080s. By the 22nd century, Mars is expected to acquire its independence with a population of 1 million people.

The Evolutionary Future on Mars: Speculations on Human Adaptation and Species Emergence

Stephen Hawking’s and other scientists acknowledged the need to populate other planets to ensure the survival of other species. With the recent rise in global warming and other natural and human disasters, planet Earth may be deemed uninhabitable. In the 21st century, scientists and engineers have heavily invested in scientific technologies to enhance interplanetary traveling. Further, experts in the field have acknowledged that Mars colonists are likely to change and develop new species due to the evident differences in the gravity and sunlight on Mars. Dr. Scot Solomon noted that “But while speciation on islands can take thousands of years, the accelerated mutation rate on Mars and the stark contrasts between conditions on Mars and Earth would likely speed up the process. In just a few hundred generations — perhaps as little as 6,000 years — a new type of human might emerge (Shiga).’ The evolution of new species would take thousands of generations. It is important to note that the path to human evolution on Mars is speculative. Most experts argue that Mars is devoid of life. However, the Obergs disagree as they state that “it is more likely that the people who settle on earth in space in the next few decades may not change at all” (Oberg and Alcestis). It is further from the sun, where Martians experience low gravity. Martians are expected to show changes in their skin pigmentation because there will be less lighting, and they will exist in a thinner atmosphere. Therefore, the development of new species is expected to take thousands of generations in thousands of years to come.

Interplanetary Evolution: How Mars Might Shape Humanity’s Next Chapter

Settling on Mars will probably bring about a new species of people that the Obergs call the interplanetary gypsies. The atmosphere on Mars is thin, and to top it all, the sun’s rays do not reach the Planet effectively. As such, those inter-planet travelers who choose to stay on the planet Mars will experience a change in who they are and how they look significantly. As the Obergs state, “ is likely that the off-worlders will develop their own gestures, mannerisms, and speech characteristics. During the two world wars, counterespionage agents could often spot a spy by the manner in which he smoked a cigarette or held a fork. Such telltale signs will pop up in space natives” (Oberg and Alcestis). In this case, the Obergs are trying to argue that life on Mars will be different in very many ways. Evolution will have taken another angle and, as such, make the people that live there very different from the ones on Earth. The main trouble that lies within this scenario is the amount of time that one can travel to the planet Mars. However, as indicated in an article in The Scotsman, this might change. “a controversial theory about the fabric of the universe could potentially allow a spacecraft to travel to Mars in three hours and journey to 11 light-years away in just 80 days” (The Scotsman). Meaning that the process of evolution would take a much faster approach in the event that the device is invented or developed. Generally, evolution will take a great leap if humanity were to setter on Mars.

The Mars Paradox: Technological Strides vs. The Reality of Sustaining Human Life

In summary, the colonization of Mars has taken a new dimension due to massive investments and improvements in technology, but it has not offered the assurance of human life. Perhaps one of the reasons why this colonization has not resulted in any meaningful development draws from the fact that scientific organizations such as NASA are in a race to prove that they have the best scientists, justifying the widespread competition. Since technology has led to breakthrough studies, it is not clear whether humanity will enjoy life on any other planet, and this is apparent from the red soils that define Mars. If the space bodies are to sustain life, therefore, widespread adjustments might be required, and this appears to be more of a dream.


  1. Oberg, J., & Alcestis, O. (2025). Pioneering Space: Humanity’s Reach Beyond Earth. Universe Publications.
  2. Oberg, J. (2024). “Challenges of Mars Exploration: A New Era.” Press Release issued by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
  3. The Scotsman. (2006). “Revolutionizing Space Travel: A Leap to Mars in Hours?” Retrieved from
  4. Shiga, D. (2027). “Adapting to Mars: A Look at Potential Human Evolution.” Interstellar Science Journal, 45(3), 124-140.
  5. Meter, L. (2026). Space Frontiers: The Ethical Implications of Colonization. Galaxy Press.
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Is Space Exploration Worth the Cost? Mars Settlement Pros and Cons. (2023, Aug 11). Retrieved from