Is Ignorance Bliss? the Paradox of Knowledge Vs. Happiness

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Updated: Sep 05, 2023
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Exploring the Facets of Ignorance

Ignorance is not bliss. To be insensible in different viewpoints, not to mention one’s own, is a threat zone. Without investigating the viewpoints of neighboring people groups and investigating the points of view one has embraced from his or her general public is basic to scholarly living. Without doing so, bigotry and cruel emotions flourish, and predispositions turn out to be significantly more unjustified. In the realm of morals and point of view, the best choice is made through broad research of morals all around the globe.

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Rehearsing such standards isn’t required.

However, information is unquestionably a need. A few people indiscriminately pursue the general public in which they live, never scrutinizing the benchmarks whereupon they base their lives. This is the reason it is essential that, albeit a few societies have unfortunate morals, in our viewpoint, taking a gander at the traditions and customs of different societies is critical with the goal that one can characterize his or her very own morals dependent on their own encounters, and not off of somebody else’s. Truth be told, one may find that the viewpoint of some other culture is something that they really put stock in and never realized that.

Childhood Innocence vs. The Harsh Reality

Obliviousness ought never to be a lifestyle for a completely developed human since learning dependably implies power, and numbness never implies ecstasy. For a youngster, be that as it may, numbness to things they can’t precisely understand yet might be useful. I have dependably had faith in Santa Claus until the point when I found my folks slipping presents into my Christmas socks. I was shell stunned when I saw that my folks were no Santa Claus, and Santa Claus, without a doubt, did not exist. I cried. I cried on the grounds that my folks were liars. I cried in light of the fact that Santa Claus was not genuine. Insensibility of that reality would have spared me from awfulness, yet I have, in the long run, figured out how to acknowledge the truth of our reality. We can’t be uninformed perpetually; eventually, we will all figure out how to obtain the information and the gift of being proficient.

The Double-Edged Sword of Ignorance

Ignorance is not bliss. In the event that you are unmindful, maybe you won’t feel terrible substances, yet they do exist and cause the issues, and don’t vary whether you know or not, but rather one distinction: on the off chance that you know the truth, since you are a Homo sapiens and have an imaginative personality, you can consider arrangements and get over them. I realize that it is frequently actually more extreme than our resistance. However, with the end goal to survive and endure and happiness, numbness is only a decrease in excruciating passing, not enduring. So you ought to acknowledge that life is so hazardous, and being alive expenses, so you ought to be daring. Simply, the courageous succeed.

The saying just so happens to be a standout amongst the most uninformed platitudes there is. What it basically means is that what you don’t have a clue can’t hurt you. It is kind of comparable in the importance of hearing none, seeing none. The reason I detest each of those well-known phrases is that since you don’t have any acquaintance with it, it absolutely doesn’t mean it’s not there and isn’t willing to connect and harm you here and there.

For example, on the off chance that you are unmindful of STDs, does that mean you can’t get them? No, yet it DOES mean you won’t stress over getting them beforehand. Actually, that numbness makes you more prone to get an STD since you don’t take preventive measures. So you’re left without any stresses, yet at the same time issues.

While some may feel ignorance is bliss because you can live more freely and happily with very minimal worries in life, they must understand that ignorance is a temporary bliss, if any. To be ignorant would, in this case would, be like stepping into. Battlefield with a blindfold and helmet over your eyes and ears.

You will more than likely not last, thinking that it is all lollipops and rainbows around you. Someone with knowledge will adapt to their surrounding and will have better survival skills than the other components. Ultimately, it does depend on the situation; however, in the long run, ignorance will lead you to a destination of nowhere.


  1. Dunning, David. The Dunning-Kruger Effect: On Being Ignorant of One’s Own Ignorance. Cambridge University Press, 2015.
  2. Festinger, Leon. Cognitive Dissonance: The Psychological Tension Between Belief and Reality. Stanford University Press, 1962.
  3. Russell, Bertrand. The Conquest of Happiness. Liveright, 1930.
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Is Ignorance Bliss? The Paradox of Knowledge vs. Happiness. (2023, Sep 05). Retrieved from