In the Shadow of Loss: the Story Behind ‘A Temporary Matter’

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Updated: Dec 28, 2023
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In the Shadow of Loss: the Story Behind ‘A Temporary Matter’

This essay delves into Jhumpa Lahiri’s poignant short story, ‘A Temporary Matter,’ unraveling the complex emotional landscape of a couple grappling with profound loss. It paints a vivid picture of Shukumar and Shoba, who, amidst a power outage, find themselves in a dance of closeness and distance, revealing hidden truths in the safety of darkness. The narrative insightfully explores how the story uses the literal and metaphorical darkness to encourage raw, honest communication, highlighting the couple’s struggle to connect in their shared grief. The essay examines the differing ways they process their pain – Shoba through activity and Shukumar through withdrawal – underscoring the theme of isolation within shared sorrow. It also touches on the fleeting hope that the temporary blackouts bring, symbolizing a momentary bridge over their emotional divide. Yet, as the power outage ends, so does this ephemeral connection, reflecting the story’s exploration of the fragile nature of relationships under the weight of personal tragedy. The essay offers an empathetic look at ‘A Temporary Matter,’ presenting it as a story of heartache, honesty, and the elusive nature of healing and reconnection. At PapersOwl, you’ll also come across free essay samples that pertain to Story.

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Imagine sitting in the dark with someone you used to know like the back of your hand, but now, they feel like a stranger. That’s the heart of Jhumpa Lahiri’s ‘A Temporary Matter,’ a story that takes us into the lives of Shukumar and Shoba, a couple struggling with the loss of their child. It’s like they’re in a dance, moving together and apart in the shadows of their grief.

This story is all about what happens when the lights go off.

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Literally, yes – there’s a power cut – but also figuratively. In the dark, Shukumar and Shoba start talking, really talking, spilling secrets they’ve hidden in the daylight. It’s as if the darkness gives them the courage to say things they can’t face in the light. But here’s the catch: it’s not all sweet nothings and tender confessions. The truths they share are raw and sometimes ugly, exposing the cracks in their relationship that the loss of their child has widened.

Lahiri isn’t just telling us a story about a couple; she’s showing us how grief can change people. Shoba fills her days to avoid the silence of the house, while Shukumar becomes a recluse, wallowing in memories. They’re on the same page of loss but reading it differently, and it’s pulling them apart.

And then there’s this fleeting glimmer of hope. For a few nights, it seems like they might just find their way back to each other in the dark. But life’s not always like that, is it? Sometimes, things are broken too deeply. The power outage ends, and with it, the brief reconnection they found in the darkness.

‘A Temporary Matter’ is a story that stays with you. It’s about the things we hide, the pain we carry, and the brief moments when we let our guards down. Lahiri crafts a tale that’s so real it hurts – a reminder of how fragile love can be, and how sometimes, even the deepest wounds can’t always bring people together. It’s a little slice of life, bittersweet and beautifully honest.

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In the Shadow of Loss: The Story Behind 'A Temporary Matter'. (2023, Dec 28). Retrieved from