In Physical Abuse

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In Physical Abuse

This essay will address the issue of physical abuse, its signs, effects, and long-term consequences. It will discuss ways to identify physical abuse, provide support to victims, and the importance of addressing this issue for societal well-being. The piece will also cover resources and interventions available. Additionally, PapersOwl presents more free essays samples linked to Child Abuse.

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Child abuse has both short and long term effects on each child. In fact, due to these effects on each child it makes it really hard for society to understand these effects and how to deal with it on a daily basis. Child abuse is considered any act of authority or careless exposure to a child’s physical and emotional development. Any casualty done to a child is most of the time done by injury or a series of injuries that affects the mind.

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Therefore, we have four types of child abuse that society is currently facing: Physical, Sexual, Emotional and Neglect.

In physical abuse we normally see and injury that’s not an accident caused by hitting, kicking, choking, whipping, shoving etc. these effect although some are physically scaring in the skin that can remind a child of the abuse and some are just in your memories, both have long term effect. Then, it’s sexual abuse that is caused by sexual intercourse, molestation of a child that causes serious emotional problems and is most often unreported because of fear. Next, the emotional abuses most children face are name calling, worthless remarks, bullying, yelling and this causes mental health problems. Lastly, neglect abuse is caused by not paying attention to a child’s needs, hygiene or supervision causing children to feel lonely and unwanted in the world. These four types of child abuse effect children of all kind from birth to adult and it affects everything surrounding their environment. Child abuse is all around us, but no one knows about it.

First, approximately 5 children die every day because of child abuse or neglect. In 2015 a report stated that nationally over 7 million U.S children come to the attention of Child Protective Services each year (Tikkanen 1). At a 90% child abuse victims know their perpetrator and by 18 months or younger these children become victims of abuse and neglect. Research has demonstrated that 37% of American children are reported to CPS by their 18th birthday and African American is reported at 54% (Tikkanen 1). In fact, boys and girls become victims nearly the same rate.

Children younger than 3yrs old are the most vulnerable shows a Child Abuse Statistics graph (Tikkanen 4). We currently see often that children who have experienced child abuse and neglect are about 9 times more to be involved in criminal activity, which it then becomes a long term effect for these children and carry on to adulthood. Studies have demonstrated that abused children are 25% more likely to experience teen pregnancy (Tikkanen 4). About 30% of abused and neglected children will later abuse their own children continuing a cycle of abuse (Tikkanen 4). Indeed, most of these statistics of child abuse are what is currently being demonstrated in society today, we currently see a high percentage in teen pregnancy because of child abuse, sexually transmitted diseases because of abused teens engaging in sexual acts and psychological disorders are also very high in society due to the effect of child abuse.

Therefore, a number of children currently live in unsafe loving homes that have become a problem in the United States. In the United States alone, there are 3.2 million referrals to social services on allegations of child maltreatment each year-one quarter of which are found to have substantiated case of physical or sexual abuse or sever neglect ( Brherl 1). Boys and girls become victims at the same rate, most often abuse and neglect start at 18 months or younger. These referrals only count for the United States, but we have yet to know the amount of children abused and with long term effects around the world.

In fact, Research has shown us that individuals who experience abuse and neglect have higher risk of depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and other anxiety disorders, antisocial personality disorder, substance abuse, and other addictions (Brhel 2). All these high risk factors that children experience from child abuse into adulthood affect their society by bringing this into their everyday life. Indeed, and it’s well known that adults who were abused or neglected as children are more like to become abusers themselves (Brhel 2). Not only will they become abusers themselves but become criminals. These childrens abusive early life brings society depression, hostility and low self esteem, with that it increases the rate of other abuse in families and destroys the idea of discipline.

Thus, childhood abuse is very common in today’s society. We are probably facing the highest percentage now from all the abuse and neglect we see on television or hear about. As much as this is common in today’s society it is known to cause long term effect in each child that faces abuse and neglect. Hence, some symptoms that studies have shown as a long term effect in abuse and neglect children to adulthood are: nightmare, back pain, severe headaches, pelvic pain, eating disorders, chest pain etc. (Springer 3). These symptoms are generally some of the long term effects researchers are seeing from abused or neglected children into adulthood. With this in mind, we can see that that these effects link into adulthood making their physical health to be affected by this.

As a result, of these physical health problems child abuse and neglect often face mental health problems causing, depression, anger, fear, anxiety disorders and personality disorders (Springer 4). These mental health problems are a long term effect of child abuse and neglect causing a high rate in suicide and hurting others. Most of the cases we currently see on television like the case with Orlando Pulse Nigh club shooter according to some details this man had mental health issues and violent related to neglect, which caused him to harm others. Studies show that abuse and neglect as children are found higher in anxiety disorders and depressive disorders in women (Springer 4). Child abuse can occur in any type of family from poverty to wealthy and either one can cause depression as a long term effect in child abuse and neglect.

Furthermore, the effects from child abuse and neglect string along into adulthood. Child abuse disrupts the normal process of emotional development (Young 1). According to Young, studies of maltreating parents suggest that they show less positive emotion and more negative emotion than non-abusive parents (Young 1).

It has been believed that those abusers tend to isolate themselves and isolate the children from interaction with others. Children who are emotionally abuse have an impact on the child’s mental health causing children to hold all that anger and resentment in. In any case, children do not grow out of these effects or experiences; it grows within them causing damage to their adulthood if they don’t look for some type of support from others. Many long term effects as stated previously are children have are low-self esteem, depression, relationship difficulties, trust issues, anxiety and suicide attempts. Most often behavior affects; like doing criminal acts, teen pregnancy, low academic achievements, drug use and health problems.

Similarly, the science of society and relating long term effects on child abuse can cause problems in society. Robert K. Merton developed a theory called the middle age-theory to understand concepts of social structures, self-fulfilling prophecies, deviance and bureaucracies (Basirico 47). According to Merton not all consequences of systems are functional and lead to instability of the breakdown of a system, this causes dysfunctions.

The intensity of family interactions, can lead to the dysfunction or negative consequences, of domestic violence and child abuse (Basirico 48). Perhaps like Merton stated that in order for society to overcome a dysfunctional system society needs to provide alternative functions, ways to achieve goals in order to avoid dysfunctions. However, with long term child abuse and neglect this leads society to the instability and breakdown, the dysfunction of the system.

In Conclusion, long term effect in child abuse and neglect vary by the extent of abuse or neglect caused. No extent is less or more because they both cause the same harm in the long term. Abuse and neglect both cause dysfunctional systems in society and in order for this not to have society needs to provide alternative functions so the long term effect is not so permanent.

Although it is easier said than done these children suffer everyday and are facing their abusers daily causing them harm by the second that passes by. It is believed that with hope the presence of a loving parental figure that can provide protection in the lives of these abused and neglected children can change how these children go about their life in society. If you think a child is being abused or neglected unconditional support, calmness and reassurance can help a child overcome these long term effects. As I have said, long term child abuse and neglect are very hard to understand in society because of the adverse effects we now know that there are functional alternatives that can help with ways to achieve the goal and avoid dysfunctions in society.

Work cited

Brhel, R. (2010, May 4). The Attached Family | Connecting with our children for a more compassionate world.. Latest Research on Long-term Effects of Child Abuse | The Attached Family.Retrieved November 13, 2018, from
Tikkanen, M. (2018, ). Kids At Risk Action (KARA) | Advocating for Invisible Children. Child Abuse Statistics (& the best resources) | INVISIBLE CHILDREN. Retrieved November 13, 2018, from
Springer MPH,MA, K.W., Sheridan PhD, J., Kuo PhD, D., & Carnes MD,MS, M. (2003, October 18). National Center for Biotechnology Information. The Long-term Health Outcomes of Childhood Abuse. Retrieved November 14, 2018, from
Young, J.C., & Widom, C.S. (2014, April 18). National Center for Biotechnology Information. Long-term Effects of Child Abuse and Neglect on Emotion Processing in Adulthood. Retrieved November 14, 2018, from

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In Physical Abuse. (2019, Nov 18). Retrieved from