I Want to Become a Soldier

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I Want to Become a Soldier

This essay will outline the motivations and aspirations behind the decision to become a soldier. It will discuss the sense of duty, the desire to serve one’s country, the appeal of the disciplined lifestyle, and the challenges and rewards associated with a military career. Moreover, at PapersOwl, there are additional free essay samples connected to Army.

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When I was in third grade, I remember thinking, "I want to be a soldier for class 3." This innocent declaration was the seed of a dream that would grow into a lifelong ambition. The first occasion when I seriously considered joining the military, I was a destitute teenager, an undocumented immigrant embroiled in court proceedings, attempting to change my status. It was 2004, and I was attending the Borough of Manhattan Community College. As I walked past the recruitment station on Chambers Street, I would think to myself: when I become a legal resident of the United States of America, I will join the military.

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It seemed like the most noble act I could perform for both my family and the country that had allowed me to continue being a part of its society.

Motivations for Leadership

Recently, I have decided that I would prefer to be an officer in the military. I am driven by a desire to help foster an environment that encourages good judgment, motivation, team building, and strong relationships among future soldiers. My ambition to become a military officer is rooted in the belief that I have demonstrated my ability to lead, accept responsibilities, and adapt to an ever-changing organization and world. These are essential traits that anyone serving their country as an officer should possess. Four years ago, I joined the military because I wanted to express my gratitude to our great nation. Today, I seek the opportunity to contribute in an even larger capacity. I love serving my country—our country—but now, the time has come where I feel leading from the front is a role I can excel in.

Developing Leadership Skills

I've always believed that I possessed a strong sense of service skills. However, being a soldier has truly helped me realize what it means to be a genuine leader. Although I am currently a Specialist without any soldiers under my command, my peers consistently seek me out for guidance. I firmly believe that all soldiers in the military are leaders and that, to be a great officer, one must be able to follow directions as well. As an enlisted soldier, I have gained invaluable knowledge through experiences that contribute to the leadership skills an officer should possess. To me, being an officer also means being an excellent follower; my experiences as an enlisted soldier over the past four years have only strengthened this belief. When others hear me make this statement, there is often a negative reaction. However, I always remind them that officers are not born; they are made. Officers are shaped and molded by life and its many experiences. What makes a great officer is how they use their experiences to become better leaders and how they apply the knowledge gained from those experiences to shape future leaders.

Embracing the Call to Lead

I have always believed that to be successful in life, one must genuinely love what they do, whether it be cleaning the sewer or leading a nation. I love serving my country, but now I would love the opportunity to lead from the front. Life for me as a soldier and a civilian has been a lesson in great resilience and significant opportunities—from being homeless to becoming a member of the greatest team in the world: the United States Army. When asked, "Why do I want to become an officer in the military?" my answer is ultimately quite simple. Why wouldn't I want to be a part of an elite few, a member of the most significant one percentile? Why wouldn't I want to be a leading member of the best army, the greatest country the world has ever seen and will ever see? Most importantly, when asking myself this question, the answer ultimately leads to the undeniable fact that I love to lead, and one can only lead from the front.

Conclusion: A Lifelong Commitment

I would love nothing more than to be afforded the opportunity to be part of the personnel responsible for making decisions and executing the plans and policies that guide all army staff. There is no greater purpose in life than to serve one's people, family, and country. By no means do I believe that I have all the answers, but I do feel that I have the drive for knowledge and the ability to make sound decisions with authority and leadership. I believe it takes a great leader to harness the strengths of others, and to that, I feel called. It is by far the most selfless act anyone, including myself, can perform for the comfort of freedom. As I reflect on my journey from a young boy wanting to be a soldier for class 3 to my aspirations of becoming an officer, I am committed to the path of leadership and service.

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I Want to Become a Soldier. (2021, May 09). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/i-want-to-become-a-soldier/