“I, Too” by Langston Hughes Poetry Analysis

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“I, Too” by Langston Hughes Poetry Analysis

A comprehensive analysis of Langston Hughes’ poem “I, Too.” The essay will discuss the poem’s themes of racism, hope, resilience, and the assertion of dignity in the face of discrimination, within the context of the Harlem Renaissance. Additionally, PapersOwl presents more free essays samples linked to Analysis.

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Langston Hughes poem “I, Too, Sing America’s” focal point is on the invisibility of the main character portrayed. The narrator of Langston Hughes poem “I, Too, sing America” begins the poem by declaring he too can “I, Too, sing America” means he is taking back his right to express his feelings towards America, even when Langston Hughes stated that he is the “darker” brother who cannot sit at the table, but must eat in the kitchen. I as a person was drawn by this poem because of the message Langston Hughes is portraying and trying to express.

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“ I, Too, sing America” spoke very strongly to me because all that the black men wanted was to be treated as equally as white men. Blacks back then were most definitely not accepted as citizens, and they as a whole wished for more of an equal opportunity where black men could succeed as any other white man in America. Back in the America’s slave-holding days and even afterwards, African Americans were abused and treated extremely unfairly.

The fight that African Americans put up in America to be able to create an identity for themselves had many roadblocks. It is very hard to even imagine what African Americans went through back then, with how whites are to stubborn to see past African Americans skin color, which made it very hard for African Americans to be seen or heard, which eventually made them seem invisible. African American slaves back then did not have the say in anything, this including their own lives. Even though being invisible may give you some perks, at the end of the day it takes away your opportunity to be able impact this world. I believe while blacks fought for equality and individualism, being invisible made it very difficult for blacks to succeed in the fight equal rights and the right to be themselves, and have a say in their own lives.

While I was walking throughout the museum I noticed it was very hard for me to keep my emotions back, due to the fact that these artist showed captured so much emotion in their work, whether that be sadness, hatred, frustrated or even confused. I as a person have never been interested in history, especially it being taught in high school. I usually ended up spacing out or falling asleep, but while walking through the harn museum and looking at all the work made me realize how much learning i missed on the importance of the slavery movement. I have grown to have a passion for wanting to learn more about the slave era, and what events took place during the time period.      

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"I, Too" by Langston Hughes Poetry Analysis. (2021, Apr 26). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/i-too-by-langston-hughes-poetry-analysis/