Human Rights are Basic Rights Given to a Person Mainly because they are Humans

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 Human rights are held universally by all humans, and no distinction should be made as to who can exercise and obtain their rights. Benjamin Valention (2000) ponders why some conflicts result in the killing of massive numbers of unarmed civilians. This remains one of the most discussed topics facing humanity. He further states that as the threat of global nuclear conflict recedes in the wake of the cold war, mass killings seem poised to regain their place as the greatest unnatural threat to human life.

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When it comes to countries whose citizens have their rights constantly abused, Sudan is one country that is at the top of the list. Sudan is a country located in Northwest Africa. Its population is beyond 40 million. The country of Sudan has an extremely high risk of violence. It is seen as a supporter of international terrorism and has suffered periods of isolation from the international community. Sudan’s human rights record continued to be defined by government repression and violations of basic civil and political rights, restriction of religious freedoms, and disregard for obligations on civilian protection under international humanitarian law. Widespread human rights abuses by the government and armed groups are a daily occurrence in Sudan. However, the conflict in the.

The region of Sudan that receives a tremendous amount of attention is Darfur. Darfur is one of the largest regions in the country of Sudan. It is located in the western part of Sudan. It is borded by The Central African Republic, Chad, and Libya. The continuous genocide in Darfur is considered one of the most abusive acts against human rights. In 2004, reports of government-backed genocide in the western province of Darfur came to light. Despite international outcry, little progress has been made in bringing the violence and refugee crisis to an end. The situation in Darfur was first called a “genocide” in 2004 when then-Secretary of State Colin Powell used the word in congressional testimony, but other countries and the United Nations have refrained from using the word. Some U.S. officials have recently toned down such language. In Darfur, Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile, Sudan’s Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and other government-aligned forces attacked civilians. Sudan failed to provide accountability for serious crimes committed during the conflicts, or other serious human rights violations.

According to Luedke and Logan (2018), one of the most widely covered aspects of the current conflict in South Sudan has been the use of sexual violence by rival factions of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Arm (SPLM/A) and other armed groups. Rape is one of the most predominant forms of violence being used in Darfur towards women. It does not only affect female individuals, but also has devastating effects on societies and communities because women become shunned and lose their reputation.

By definition, genocide means any acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; or deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part (United Nations Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect, n.d.).

Defining genocide became a much more difficult task than naming it. On the international stage, critics argued genocide did not need to be explained further, defined, or separated from other crimes against humanity. It was already covered under human rights laws (Cruikshank, 2014). Genocide by attrition occurs when a group is stripped of its human rights, political, civil, and religious. This leads to deprivation of conditions essential for maintaining health; therefore, the results are mass deaths. In 2003, the Sudanese government launched a brutal military campaign against armed groups in Darfur. According to the United Nations, the conflict led to the deaths of more than 300,000 people and in the displacement of millions. The human rights abuses during the conflicts in 2009 were so severe that the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued an international warrant for the arrest of the Sundanese president Omar Al Bashir on numerous charges, including genocide. This situation demanded immediate attention and action from world organizations and figures since every category and sub-category of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was being violated.

It seems that to prove that the human rights of citizens in Darfur is difficult because the government denies that the rights of these people are being violated. The interference of the government further suppresses the citizens. Much of the research to prove that genocide has taken place and in some instances still occurring has been recorded from interviews from those most effected by the atrocities. It is reported that the Sundanese government continues to attack innocent citizens. There is an ongoing crisis in Darfur where forces under the command of Sundanese President Omar al Bashir has carried out attacks against civilians in the disputed Abyei territory. The government commits war crimes and crimes against humanity and against its own civilians. The women and children are most often targeted by the government and military soldiers. The women have been raped, and killed by those who are supposed to protect them.

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Human rights are basic rights given to a person mainly because they are humans. (2021, Nov 30). Retrieved from