How Immigrant Background Can Help to Adjust and Overcome Shyness
Culture is like a parasol to me, which includes social behaviors and norms found in civilized societies, as well as the expectations, philosophies, humanities, regulations, abilities, and customs of individuals in certain cultures. Human beings demand experience through the process of learning, in which our civilization demonstrates diversity through different cultures. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary states that background is 'the things that have made you into the person you are, esp. family, experience, and education.' From my point of view, an individual's background consists of a set of customs and traditions valued by an ethnic group in society.
Growing up in Nepal is part of an experience that will forever stay with me. Immigrating to the US from Nepal and settling down on an isolated island off Cape Cod called Nantucket as a twelve-year-old child dramatically changed my life. Separated from my mom and other families I knew and the things I was used to, I felt alienated and uncomfortable in Nantucket. Nonetheless, I diverted the pessimistic sentiments into a power of alacrity that motivated me to transcend in academics and extracurricular activities.
Moreover, my immigrant background gave me adjusting skills that have helped me explore various opportunities as a diverse person in Nantucket and as an enthusiastic student working with personalities of varied backgrounds and cultures. There were times when I felt like I did not belong in the US because I was commencing to learn English. My new beginning in Nantucket differed distinctly from my old one in Nepal. Nantucket lacked the festivities, food, and celebrations of Nepal. My father was a very busy man working 14 hours a day in a Sushi restaurant; meanwhile, my brother was preparing himself to get ready for college by taking rigorous AP courses and standardized tests. They were both extremely busy men. To move on from isolation, I explored what I liked doing, and cooking turned out to be one of my favorite passion. Attending school sometimes frightened me because I wasn't able to answer my classmates without hesitation whenever they asked me where I was from.
It was not because I was timid or scared of my classmates; it was because when I answered them back, they didn't know about Nepal. As time progressed, I got comfortable with my classmates and educated them about Nepal and the significance of its culture. In light of these impediments, I started to question the importance of migrating to the US, observing my dad's exhausted physical and emotional state seven times a week. I began to perceive the motive behind the differences that permanently adjusted my life: an opportunity to shine and create a prestigious title so that I could educate people about Nepal's unique culture in the US.
My school offered English Language Learning classes for immigrant students, so I began taking advantage of the course, and my teacher was very benevolent in staying after hours to help me become a better English learner. Although I was determined and motivated, I was still shy and hesitant to speak up in front of my other classmates who were born in the States. Because of Mrs. Norton's encouragement, I found the person within myself who wasn't shy or hesitant to speak up anymore. Last Christmas, I hosted a talent show in front of my entire high school, and I have Mrs.Norton to thank for that. Because she helped me explore my capabilities, today, I am a reliable and independent young woman. Being under Mrs. Norton's guidance boosted my self-confidence. Although it has been five years since I arrived in Nantucket, my cultural experience has strengthened my character in many ways that will be socially advantageous for my future. As a student from a different background, I adjusted to how to balance the American culture with Nepalese. Additionally, having experienced two different environments, I have learned to be sympathetically approaching people with varied backgrounds like me.

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How Immigrant Background Can Help to Adjust and Overcome Shyness. (2023, Mar 24). Retrieved from