How Coming to America Changed my Life

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How Coming to America Changed my Life

Narrate the transformative experience of immigrating to America. Focus on cultural adjustments, opportunities, challenges, and personal growth. Discuss the impact on identity, worldview, and aspirations. Include personal stories or interviews to provide diverse perspectives on the immigrant experience. PapersOwl offers a variety of free essay examples on the topic of America.

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Moving from Nigeria to the United States permanently feels great, but at the same time, it is sad leaving some loved ones and family behind. Most people have several events or things that have changed their life or their way of thinking. One of the major changes that occurred in my life was when I moved from Africa to America. This change has entirely affected my personality positively. Why? Many foreigners want to come to America mostly in search of greener pastures and to further education.

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It was about seven years ago when I stepped my feet on the soil of the United States of America, and I remembered vividly how it all started with a dream.I was born in the western part of Africa, in a country called Nigeria, the motherland with enormous beautiful colors and culture. I am from the hot and humid air of Benin, from dusty dirt roads and sweltering sun.

I am from Nigeria, the giant of Africa, where I saw the monstrous faces of war. I am from the land where I cried my first cry, where I dreamt my first dream, where I smiled my first smile. The beauty of my background, Nigeria is the only land I call and will ever call my own, where most people are suffering yet smiling because the future is the only bright light we can see. At the age of four, my parents left Nigeria to the United States in search of a better life, not just for them, but most importantly for me. While they were out of the country, I stayed with my grandmother and some other members of my family.  It was a cold and silent night when my family gathered up to say a prayer before going to sleep. I was so young and scared to sleep in a room by myself, so I loved sharing a room with my beloved grandma and cousin. As I laid down and closed my eyes to sleep, I had a strange and amazing dream. I saw myself playing in the streets of Atlanta with a group of friends from both races; apparently, I was in the U.S. in the dream. Then, I opened my eyes, and I wondered and pondered on what the dream could possibly mean. Suddenly, the phone rang, it was my mother calling from the U.S.As I got up to pick up the phone, my mother said to me with so much joy and excitement that I was coming to live with her in the United States. I was speechless with great happiness, and I jumped for joy; at the age of nine, I was amazed to know that my dream had come into existence. So yes, God does work in mysterious ways, that no one can explain.

The next day came, and I had to travel to the capital state of my country to obtain my passport and documents which I would need to travel. Weeks and days went by and my excitement lessened as I began to realize how much I would miss home, members of my family, most especially my lovely grandma because of the bond we shared. I knew I would miss them deeply, so I began to cherish the days I had left to spend with them before my trip. However, I was still full of happiness because I could not wait to see my parents again after so many years.It was mid of October and the week of my trip had arrived; I needed to start packing and continue my preparations. I knew I was about to open a new chapter of my life, which included new clothes, so I decided to let go of all the material things by sharing with family, friends, and other kids who I thought would love and use something new. I only packed up a few things in a small sized luggage that I would need when I arrive at my destination. Next, it was my travel day, my driver had arrived at about 4:00 p.m., and I was ready to go. I broke down emotionally after seeing the tears of my grandmother and my other loved ones.

Although we were all still happy, the feeling became bittersweet as we said our farewell. However, I knew I had to leave, to have a better life, brighter future, further my education, and of course to be with my lovely parents. I arrived at the airport at approximately 8:30 p.m. and my plane was set to take off at about 10:00 p.m., so I had enough time to go through the checkpoints and check in my luggage. It was an awesome feeling flying in an airplane for the first time.Finally, on October the 16th, 2010, I arrived in the U.S., it was indeed a dream come true. I looked through the window and I saw a place that looks completely different from what I had ever known. As I stepped out, I felt the cool weather and fresh air, I had never experienced cold temperature like the one here in America mainly because I was so used to the summer and warm temperature in Nigeria. Moving to the United States has had an impact in my life and taught me a lot, there were several things that I had never really thought about such as the people, their way of thinking, the type of food they eat, their culture, and the system especially in education. I curiously wondered what this new school system would be like for me, and if I could manage to cope and blend in with the rest of the students without losing myself and what makes me unique and different.

Although I had a tough time transitioning from the Nigerian to the American system, as time goes by I learn and have more to understand. I was filled with great hope and excitement as I begin to pursue my dream and future of becoming a doctor in the United States of America.

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How Coming To America Changed My Life. (2021, Jul 04). Retrieved from