Gabler does Entertainment Ruin Society

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Updated: Sep 17, 2024
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Neal Gabler, an American journalist and historian, has looked deeply into how entertainment affects society. He asks a big question: Is entertainment messing up our world? Today, we can’t deny how much entertainment is everywhere. We’ve got TV, movies, social media, and even virtual realities taking up our time. To really get what Gabler’s saying, we need to think about how entertainment might be changing our values, how we act, and our overall happiness. Gabler’s main idea is that too much entertainment can mess up society.

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It can make us less critical thinkers, less involved in our communities, and less connected to each other in a real way.

One worry Gabler has is that entertainment might make us worse at thinking critically. With so much entertainment around us all the time, we might become lazy thinkers. Entertainment often gives us quick fun and a way to escape. But that can mean we spend less time and effort on smart stuff and deep thinking. Gabler says that always consuming entertainment can make us see the world in a shallow way. Complex problems get oversimplified, and we miss the details. This drop in critical thinking can be a big problem. It makes it harder for people to make smart choices and have meaningful talks.

Gabler also thinks that too much entertainment can hurt community engagement. In the old days, people did things together like town hall meetings, local sports, and neighborhood parties. These things helped people feel like they belonged. But now, with things like streaming services and social media, we’re more on our own. People are staying in their own entertainment worlds and not interacting in real life as much. Gabler warns that this change can weaken the ties that hold communities together. People may not join in civic activities or feel responsible for their communities as much. This can lead to a more fragmented society where folks are less connected to their neighbors and less interested in their community’s well-being.

Another point Gabler makes is about how entertainment affects real human connections. Sure, entertainment can bring joy and shared moments, but it can also make fake closeness. Social media, for example, often shows a perfect version of life, making people compare themselves and feel bad. Chasing likes and followers can take away from real relationships and meaningful chats. Gabler says that focusing on entertainment-based connections can make people feel lonely and isolated. They might choose virtual interactions over face-to-face ones. This switch to online connections can stop deep and real relationships from forming, which can hurt mental health and overall happiness.

To wrap it up, Neal Gabler’s look into how entertainment impacts society brings up important issues. While entertainment has its good sides, like helping us relax and escape, Gabler points out some serious downsides. Losing critical thinking skills, getting less involved in our communities, and hurting real human bonds are big concerns. As we keep dealing with the growing world of entertainment, we need to find a balance between enjoying it and staying mindful. By knowing the risks, people and communities can try to make sure entertainment adds to, rather than takes away from, the richness of life. Gabler’s thoughts remind us to think critically about the role of entertainment in our lives and to value real connections and thoughtful engagement in a world driven by entertainment.

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Gabler Does Entertainment Ruin Society. (2024, Sep 17). Retrieved from