Freedom Writers Movie Review

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Updated: Dec 07, 2024
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Freedom Writers Movie Review

This review will critically examine “Freedom Writers,” a film based on true events that portrays a teacher’s efforts to inspire her racially diverse students through writing. The review will focus on the film’s exploration of themes like racial tension, education, and empowerment. It will evaluate the performances, direction, script, and the film’s ability to handle sensitive topics effectively. The review aims to assess the impact and relevance of “Freedom Writers” in the context of contemporary discussions on education and social justice. Additionally, PapersOwl presents more free essays samples linked to Film Analysis.

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Socialization is one of the defining aspects of human existence, shaping how individuals relate to and influence each other, both positively and negatively. The film "Freedom Writers" offers a compelling exploration of this theme through the story of a teacher who profoundly impacts the lives of her students. Set against the backdrop of Long Beach, California, shortly after the Los Angeles riots, the film portrays the challenges faced by young people dealing with societal and familial separation. This essay will analyze how "Freedom Writers" illustrates the transformative power of socialization, focusing on the reciprocal influence between the teacher and her students.

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Through the lens of this film, we gain insight into the struggles and triumphs of high school students and the role of education in shaping their futures.

Transformative Teaching

In "Freedom Writers," Hilary Swank portrays Erin Gruwell, a passionate young educator determined to combat racial hatred and influence her students positively. Despite facing initial resistance from a group of disrespectful students who seem more invested in a gangster lifestyle than in education, Erin Gruwell takes on the challenge of instilling a sense of purpose and hope in them. By devising innovative teaching strategies, she demonstrates to her students that they are not different from others and can rise above their circumstances. The film's producer effectively lays the foundation through the students' experiences, highlighting the mutually beneficial relationship between the teacher and her students. As Erin Gruwell transforms the lives of her students, her life undergoes a transformation as well, illustrating the powerful dynamics of socialization.

The Reality of Struggles

The film "Freedom Writers" provides a realistic portrayal of the struggles and hardships faced by high school students. The students' lives are marred by drugs, gangs, abuse, and family conflicts. Despite these challenges, the societal and educational systems often treat them as if they are worthless, further demoralizing them. Erin Gruwell's arrival offers a glimmer of hope, as she is determined to make a difference in the simplest yet most impactful way possible. Unlike typical hero-centric narratives, this film emphasizes the significance of understanding and empathy. As a white teacher initially ignorant of her students' brutal realities, Erin Gruwell earns their respect by actively listening and acting on their needs. This aspect of the movie, directed by Richard LaGravenese, resonates with audiences, even amidst its clichés, due to the film's commitment to showcasing genuine human connection.

Critique and Reflection

While "Freedom Writers" is a moving film, it is not without its flaws. The film's structure is somewhat unbalanced, with its emotional peak occurring an hour and a half into the story. The subsequent thirty minutes feel elongated, and the film's conclusion appears contrived, lacking the authenticity of earlier scenes. Additionally, the plot is predictable, and the actors portraying high school students may seem too old for their roles. The pacing is occasionally slow, with repetitive camera shots focusing on deep contemplation. Despite these shortcomings, "Freedom Writers" succeeds in conveying the importance of listening to young people, making it a rare and near-exceptional film.


In conclusion, "Freedom Writers" serves as a powerful exploration of socialization and its transformative potential. Through the character of Erin Gruwell, the film illustrates how one dedicated teacher can change the lives of her students, even as they change hers. By addressing themes of gang violence, loss, and resilience, the film provides an authentic portrayal of the challenges faced by young people. Despite its imperfections, "Freedom Writers" delivers essential messages about the power of education, self-belief, and the possibility of changing one's destiny. For those who watch it, the film offers an opportunity for connection and reflection, making it a poignant and inspiring cinematic experience.

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Freedom Writers Movie Review. (2022, Apr 29). Retrieved from