Fitness Testing

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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Fitness testing is the testing conducted in physical education classes that test students to see how healthy they are. Students are expected to fall into a category called the Healthy Fitness Zone and if a student’s scores are in this area then he or she is considered healthy. Fitness testing is usually done twice a year, once for baseline testing, and the other time for seeing how much improvement has been made. The FitnessGram tests focus more on the students’ personal advancements toward their own goals instead of competing with other students because it is criterion-referenced and not norm-referenced.

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The difference is that norm-referenced tests focus on norms are used for fitness levels and criterion-referenced tests are tests in which specific standards are used. Quality fitness testing that is conducted appropriately can positively impact physical education programs and provide accurate data for students and teachers to use.

It is important for students to know that fitness testing is criterion based and not norm-referenced and if teachers do not enforce this idea, then students will continue to believe it is a competition. Physical education teachers that teach any grade have to enforce the key ideas of fitness testing in order to use it to its full potential. The data that is compiled is very important because it is important for teachers to recognize the weaknesses of their children and to use that to guide the class throughout the year. (Roberts 2017). “”Fitness testing in isolation is of no real value. Fitness testing done with the students’ welfare in mind and a plan for improvement is extremely valuable,”” (Roberts 2017). The whole point of fitness testing is for there to be a baseline score that students can improve off and when this happens, the class is able to have a better purpose.

The FitnessGram tests can be very valuable if used correctly and appropriately. They are originally meant to enhance a gym class and to allow students to see where they are in relation to set standards. Quality fitness testing that is conducted appropriately can positively impact physical education programs and provide accurate data for students and teachers to use. If teachers utilize the scores in a way that allows students and other staff to see the weaknesses it can benefit the school and the students. Since health-related fitness is components of physical fitness that contribute to the operation of the systems of the body, the testing of these inside school is crucial to student’s health. The data that is compiled is very important because it is crucial for teachers to recognize the weaknesses of their children and to use that to guide the class throughout the year.

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Fitness Testing. (2019, Aug 21). Retrieved from