Fashion Always Creates Interest

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“Fashion always creates interest in people anywhere, anytime. Everyone becomes so confidential with the latest styles that think fashion is just a popular trend. However, life is more controlled by the fashion industry than many people notice; It affects not only clothes, but almost all the conditions of daily life. For a lot of people, fashion is just a preference and for other people it is important to wear only the newest fashion trends. For others, nevertheless, the fashion and trends are not that important.

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The style in the 1950s showed the joy of the people after a war ended. When World War II ended fashion changed accordingly. Throughout this time, women wore dresses to exhibit their body.

Hairstyles also changed during this time from the “short bob” of the 1920s, to a lengthy-curly style instead. For men, they used the “greaser” style. This include wearing jeans, a white T-shirt, and black leather jackets, but now people feel like fashion is really important because people always want to look good. Everyone wants to look great, look more beautiful, attractive and flashy, and wearing trendy clothes, jewelry, shoes, and fashion makeup can improve a person’s appearance to please them. In addition it increases the physical aspect, it also increases confidence in the prospects and shows their status in society. People who wear the latest trends of famous brands are considered more important, rich and attractive. And so the problem starts here, people in middle and lower classes begin to copy the trends and style of the wealthy who spend too much time and money. Although it is wonderful to be able to use fashionable things, it also has its points to consider.

When people see new styles, they usually want to imitate them to look good and fit in society. They try out the newest trends like: clothes, jewelry, shoes, to make themselves look like famous people they want to imitate, because of these fashions changes constantly change over time.

People in the United States buy five times more clothes now than in 1970 and do not keep most of those clothes. As stated in The Atlantic, Americans, “10.5 million tons of clothing to landfills every year.” It is frequently claimed that the United States is an area where the things that we do not really need are cheaper and the essentials for our daily life are expensive. Clothes do not play an important role in daily lifes, unlike, education, housing, and health care. People who spend less money for more clothes, facilitate the fast fashion industry and this affects everyone.

Wearing and then getting rid of clothes have a really bad effect on people and the planet’s resources because fashion industries are the second largest polluter in world. Ellen McArthur Foundation states that, “clothing production approximately has doubled in the last 15 years, driven by a growing middle-class population across the globe and increased per capita sales in developed economies.” and there is an expected 400% increase in world Gross Domestic Product by 2050 which means and even greater request for clothes. Also, this fast fashion affects the environment because making a pair of jeans produces the same amount of greenhouse gases as driving a car more than 80 miles, and it takes around 700 gallons of water to make one cotton shirt, enough to reach the average people’s drinking needs for 2.5 years.

Finally, this also has a social impact according to Non-profit Remake, 70 million people are making our clothes today, and 80 percent of clothes is made by young women ages 18 to 24. Workers in Bangladesh make about $96 per month. The government’s wage board suggested that a garment worker needs 3.5 times that amount in order to live a “”decent life with basic facilities.”” A 2018 U.S. Department of Labor report found evidence of forced and child labor in the fashion industry in Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Turkey, Vietnam and other countries.”

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Fashion Always Creates Interest. (2021, Jun 16). Retrieved from