Fake News: a Major Problem in Today’s Society

Written by: professorFaith
Updated: Apr 30, 2024
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Fake News: a Major Problem in Today’s Society

This essay will discuss the issue of fake news in today’s society. It will examine its sources, impact on public opinion and democracy, and strategies to combat misinformation. Moreover, at PapersOwl, there are additional free essay samples connected to Communication.

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Fake news is becoming a significant problem in today’s society. People know what fake news is but fail to differentiate between fake and accurate news. Fake news is seen on almost all social media platforms. It is designed to attract the viewers’ attention and misguide them. Tom Nichols, author of The Death of Expertise, believed that more than 80% of information on the Internet is fake, “worse, bad information can stay online for years,” says Nichols. Unlike yesterday’s newspaper, online information is persistent and will pop up in subsequent searches after appearing just once.

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They’re effectively impossible to correct.” (Nichols 114) One of the most major examples is fake news in the 2016 US Election. Many fake news claims Donald Trump is betraying the US by linking with Russia. Some fake news claimed that Clinton supports terrorist groups and funds them. The fake news that was distributed on many different platforms did weigh into an average voter’s decision. Many people are noticing the increase in fake news and want it solved. Experts are improving social media and other websites that feed fake news with the help of new software, tips on identifying fake news, and alerting social media platforms.

Since immense quantities of people in present-day society have easy access to the Internet, online networking has become a stage for many individuals to get refreshed with current news over the globe. Social media gives fake news the spotlight, “five scholars associated with Microsoft Research… found that social media was the primary outlet for the circulation of fake news stories and that aggregate voting patterns were strongly correlated with the average daily fraction of users visiting websites serving fake news,” (Alterman 8).  Since its starting point, news coverage was made with the motivation behind serving individuals as an apparatus to know about actualities and truth and, in this manner, convey usefulness to individuals’ lives. However, it has changed to giving people what they want to hear, whether fake or real.

In 2017, fake news ruled the media and legislative issues, moulding efforts and affecting votes. These deceptive and misguided pieces influence business and purchaser trust in items and organizations, and they can also prompt vulnerability and aftermath from poorly educated political choices. In any case, while the discussion has been concentrating on the suggestions it has on governmental matters, many have neglected to consider the counterfeit effect news has had on the more extensive economy.

Ill-disposed calculations have exploited these frameworks by distributing adulterated data via web-based networking media and over the web. The presence of phony news in these pipelines implies the measures follow up on terrible data. The bigger administrators in this market know about this helplessness and have tended to them by rolling out improvements to their calculations.

Fake news is certainly not another marvel, with proof of it affecting the share trading system back to the 1800s. In 1803, Britain was hoping to announce war on France. Yet, the Lord Mayor of London got a letter composed by Lord Hawkesbury asserting that the question had been settled genially. This letter was taken to the stock trade and prompted the stocks to ascend by 5%. Be that as it may, the legitimacy of the letter stayed under doubt and was later observed to be a fabrication, compelling the Treasury to announce it to the press. When the fabrication was seen, stocks had changed hands, and it ended up challenging to follow who had picked up from the fake letter.

In January 2018, the accident of bitcoin occurred, the world’s most famous digital money, with its esteem falling by half in a solitary month. While the media is just a single component in the ascent and fall of market esteems, the improvement of digital forms of money has prompted a blast of online substance reprimanding the most well-known monetary standards. In the unregulated universe of digital forms of money, numerous fraudsters have seen their chance to purposely spread false data to influence the cost of their possessions by utilizing online networking, counterfeit news locales and private visit applications, for example, Slack and Telegram.

Considering the amount of time spent using social media, individuals are very vulnerable to false news, which can influence them very quickly. False news can be hard to correct; even when corrected, it can negatively affect an individual. False news is a standout amongst the essential methods for misleading individuals and has prompted different distinctive negative outcomes. One of the adverse effects of false news is that it tricks the public into a phony reality for those dependent on that data. Many news organizations rely on social media to circulate their news to their focused-on populace. These news organizations are extending client contribution and capacity to compose and make news streams.

Fake news can also affect health care issues as the “circulation of really hyperbolic and misleading health, and medical information is one of the biggest problems in the fake news era” (Flax 1). Many people can help the fight to end fake news. People in computer engineering are trying to develop software and other products to stop people from sharing fake news. Technology companies are fighting against social media and other platforms to make the news more reliable so fewer people are falling into the trap of fake news. Fake news has been snowballing on social media platforms like Twitter. Fake news is spread at a much faster rate compared to true news. The Internet and social media were invented to provide people with quick, reliable facts, not fake news. All the big platforms that spread social media are indeed American. The number of real news we see today may be diminished if action against fake news is not taken. Software is being created to spot fake news. The software “helps sort fake news from the truth,” (Temming 2). The software is being made into automated systems that can tell the accuracy of online stories. The specially designed computer program compares the characteristics of a fake article to the article that gets the most reception on social media. Computers can recognize warning signs and then report them back to human fact-checkers, who process the final verification.

Fake news regarding politics has been an issue for a long time as “more and more bogus news stories on Facebook, and other social media have painted politicians in a false light” (Kowalski 1). Fake news is such a large issue that it is even being acknowledged by the president, “in December 2016, President Donald Trump first tweeted the words “fake news,” denouncing media reports that he would stay on as an executive producer of The Celebrity Apprentice,” (Adetiba 10). One case of false news found on social networking media was fake news distributed with the heading “Hillary Clinton was too sick to fill in as president”. As indicated by this news, regardless of the way that Hillary Clinton discharged her health records to the general population because she was blamed for being ill. On the other hand, Donald Trump never discharged his health records. This false news hugely affected individuals’ assessments of the Election, and many of Trump’s voters posted on social media that Clinton had AIDS.

Social media like Facebook is coming dead because people are using it to talk about political posts and argue with friends and family “since politics is traditionally news, of course, that topic started to slip into our feeds, and Facebook’ssetup encouraged sinister practices, as users zip through their news feeds, scanning only the headlines, they are more likely to click on and share stories that are outrageous or stir emotions,” (Maney 1). Maney mentions how people quickly share the news without checking the source it is coming from. People that spread fake news on social media write headlines where it makes people want to click on it and share it with their friends and family. He also mentions that when Facebook first became popular, people used it to contact their families worldwide and share memories. He believes that people are making deals with the publisher to make their Facebook feeds look more attractive and keep people using Facebook. However, Facebook is working on software that would flag and block fake news spreading across their page. They still believe no matter what software they use, they won’t be able to overcome the problems with fake news spreading over everyone’s timelines.

Considering the time spent using social media, individuals are very vulnerable to false news. They can inf False news can be hard to correct, and even when corrected, it can negatively affect an individual. False news is a standout amongst the essential methods for misleading individuals and has prompted different distinctive negative outcomes. One of the adverse effects of false news is that it tricks the public into a phony reality for those dependent on that data. Many news organizations rely on social media to circulate their news to their focused-on populace. These news organizations are extending client contribution and capacity to compose and make news streams.

Universities are teaching their students how to detect fake news. “Stanford University report in November proclaimed that many students could not detect fake or misleading information online, the findings caused a stir.” Many campuses are teaching a method called one-shot. It consists of having librarians give an hour-long lecture on finding academic sources. Some collaborate with professors and students when they have research assignments. This would prevent students from using fake information in their research papers. The individual professor is exercising where students should find who the article quoted by and what their credentials are.

A software made by Yale University students might have the capacity to recognize and battle counterfeit news. The software, called Open Mind, was imagined amid Yale’s yearly hackathon, “YHack.” The competition includes understudies creating programming for various diverse assignments, for example, taking care of a social issue or beginning a new business. The software these students made is said to work as an extension for Google Chrome. The software has many capacities, and firstly, it cautions clients whenever they tap on a site that the understudies have esteemed as prone to sell counterfeit news. A large warning pops up saying that this website has fake news and a list of suggested websites comes up. The program is not designed to censor fake news; it just warns users.

Even people who are intelligent and educated are having trouble detecting fake news. A group of college students were asked if they thought a particular article was fake or real. Only a handful of the students answered correctly. This shows the complexity of fake news and how difficult it is to spot it. So it is not alarming that the average person might be unable to spot fake news if young, intelligent students are having difficulty.

There are some things to look for when trying to differentiate between fake and real news. One of them is the headlines. False news has headlines that attract the reader by adding exclamation points or by writing the letters in all caps. If something in the headline sounds unfeasible, it probably is. Looking at a link to the article can also provide evidence. A fraud or twin connection might be a notice indication of false news. Numerous false news destinations imitate legitimate news sources by rolling out little improvements to the connection. You can go to the site to contrast the connection with set-up sources.  An unusual formatting can also give away that the article is fake. Numerous false news destinations have incorrect spellings or ungainly designs.

According to staffers, “many fake news sites use bad data or misleading graphs; even mainstream media outlets are guilty of creating graphs that exaggerate or understate results. Bad graphs and inaccurate data can cause readers to draw the wrong conclusions.” This brings fake stories that are supported by fake data. They are now part of viral news and tend to make people believe because of the number of shares, likes, and comments they get on it. Experts are warning everyone that fake sites are weakening the public’s ability to understand what experts are telling them and what information you should ignore. Numerous imposter stories are clearly false; however, some contain fractional certainties or mutilations of certainty that make the deceptions harder to spot. Since the web gives secrecy, anybody with a PC can dispatch a news website and pass it off as genuine. That incorporates a man attempting to help or damage a political applicant, a novice blogger, or somebody endeavouring to profit from paid promotions on their phony news webpage. Many people agree that people, social media, and websites will need a lot of effort to fix the problem of misinformation. In other, for it to work, we need to start putting out people that would support the fake news.

I feel like social media platforms should verify pages that tend to share any form of news. There should also be a particular website that people can use to get information from that genuine news instead of going on from other opinions and news that may not be reliable.  This would make students’ research assignments much easier by not worrying about incorrect information. For example, colleges have their own library search engine that college students only use to do their research. Any information found through the library website is more reliable than any other website you would get from a Google search. Experts in computer engineering should develop a search engine that would be open to the public. The search engine should only contain information that is verified as true and done by a professional. Resistance should also be added to social media platforms so that information from any website or any page cannot be shared without being checked. This would help people get the correct information.

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Fake News: A Major Problem In Today's Society. (2020, May 13). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/fake-news-a-major-problem-in-todays-society/