Empathy in Verse: Dissecting Everlast’s ‘What it’s Like’

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Updated: Feb 20, 2024
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Empathy in Verse: Dissecting Everlast’s ‘What it’s Like’

This essay about Everlast’s “What It’s Like” offers an in-depth analysis of the song’s lyrics, which provide a powerful commentary on empathy, societal judgment, and the human condition. Through narratives of individuals facing poverty, abortion, and incarceration, Everlast challenges listeners to reconsider their preconceptions and judgments about those living on society’s margins. The essay highlights how the song advocates for understanding and compassion by presenting complex situations that defy black-and-white moral judgments. It emphasizes the refrain’s message that life outcomes often depend on one’s starting point, urging a reflection on privilege and the circumstances shaping people’s lives. Ultimately, “What It’s Like” is presented as a call for empathy and a reminder of music’s ability to inspire societal reflection and change, making it a relevant and thought-provoking piece that resonates with listeners beyond its release.

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Everlast’s “What It’s Like,” released in 1998, stands out as a poignant commentary on society, empathy, and the human condition. Through its compelling narrative and raw, acoustic sound, the song challenges listeners to walk in others’ shoes, offering a gritty glimpse into the lives of those on the fringes of society. This essay delves into the lyrical depth of “What It’s Like,” exploring how Everlast weaves stories of hardship and judgment to critique societal attitudes towards suffering and difference.

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The song opens with the story of a man begging for change, immediately confronting the listener with the discomfort that often accompanies encounters with homelessness. Everlast doesn’t just paint a picture of poverty; he probes the listener’s reaction to it, urging a reflection on how quick society is to judge without understanding the individual stories that lead to such circumstances. This theme of rushed judgment and lack of empathy is a thread that ties the song’s narratives together.

As the song progresses, Everlast introduces a woman grappling with the decision to have an abortion. Here, he challenges the stigma and simplistic narratives surrounding such a deeply personal choice. By presenting her story with sensitivity and complexity, Everlast encourages the listener to consider the myriad factors that influence difficult decisions, pushing against the grain of black-and-white moral judgments that often dominate public discourse.

The final verse shifts focus to a young man involved in violence and incarceration, highlighting the cycle of retribution and the struggles of reintegration into society. Everlast uses this character to question the effectiveness of punishment over rehabilitation and the societal tendency to ostracize those who have served their time. Through this narrative, he advocates for understanding and second chances, suggesting that redemption is a crucial component of the human experience.

What sets “What It’s Like” apart is not just its storytelling but its refrain: “You know where it ends, yo, it usually depends on where you start.” This line is the crux of the song’s message, emphasizing that the circumstances into which people are born significantly shape their life paths. Everlast calls for compassion and understanding, urging listeners to recognize the role of privilege and luck in their judgments of others.

In conclusion, “What It’s Like” by Everlast serves as a powerful call for empathy, challenging listeners to consider the complexities of human life beyond surface-level judgments. Through its vivid storytelling and engaging melody, the song fosters a deeper understanding of societal issues, making a case for a more compassionate and inclusive approach to the challenges faced by individuals across the spectrum of experience. Everlast’s work remains relevant today, reminding us of the power of music to inspire reflection, conversation, and, ultimately, change.

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Empathy in Verse: Dissecting Everlast's 'What It's Like'. (2024, Feb 20). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/empathy-in-verse-dissecting-everlasts-what-its-like/