Does Social Media Encourage Conformity

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Apart from that, society also conform to stereotype on LGBT, gender, religion, race, age through the affect of social media. This is because social media will share a lot of information that tend to presevere in our mind. The current investigation examined the influence of the media on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) identity using both survey and in-depth interview approaches. In Study 1, 126 LGBT survey respondents in Texas indicated that the media influenced their self-realization, coming out, and current identities by providing role models and inspiration.

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In Study 2, 15 interviewees revealed that media role models serve as sources of pride, inspiration, and comfort. Our findings suggest that increasing the availability of LGBT role models in the media may positively influence LGBT identity. There are positive stereotyping of LGBT such as counter-stereotypes and negative stereotyping of LGBT such as homophobia.

Especially in the past 20 years, from Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, QQ and other desktop-based communication platforms, to Whats App, We Chat and other mobile devices-based communication applications; many LGBT found in the ‘cabinet’ It turns out that the world is not only a ‘I was born this way.’, but is more willing to go out of the ‘cabinet.’ This has created the illusion that heterosexuals feel more and more homosexual. (It’s more suitable to use LGBT, but in fact, many heterosexuals don’t even know what LGBT is.) Furthermore, as we see that the main focus of the mainstream media is still the traditional gender stereotype such as male breadwinners, female husbands and fathers. Women in the media are often scribed as supporting roles. Soon most of the society will conform that men have the greater role in the workplace and women have assume more responsibility for child care and housework. The only use is actually a pastime, not a protagonist with subjective initiative. Behave of that, the extreme form of gender discrimination in men is male misinry, referring to male dislike and even hatred while the extreme form of gender discrimination in women is female depression. This causes the society to conform to the information from social media.

Moreover, social media also encourage conformity through stereotype of ageing (counting those that compare maturing with fragility and decrease, or later existence with well-being and luxuriousness) can possibly fortify ageism on the grounds that they position sick well-being in seniority as unwanted and they don’t recognize the immense decent variety among more seasoned grown-ups. For example, society comform the social media by using the terms “older adults,”“older people,”and“older individuals,”to those who are older than 55 years old people. Other than that, social media also encourage conformity through racism by saying Asians can’t tell the pronunciation of the letters L and R. It is a kind of racial joke metaphor that has long been popular. Fortunately, people don’t use this metaphor as they used to, and this is no longer a description of Asian language defects. However, the truth is far more complicated than this. Last but no least, society also conform to stereotype on the religion. For instance, society conform that chinese’s people mathematics is good and are all Kung-fu masters. Some Chinese do practice Tai Chi as a way to keep in good health especially for the older people.

The social media also encourage conformity through indigenous stories and histories. Indigenous stories and accounts in the predominant press have regularly been told from a non-Indigenous perspective. This can prompt mistaken assumptions that can hurt the connection among Indigenous and non-Indigenous individuals. The Hollywood film industry has made millions from recounting anecdotes about ‘ranchers and Indians.’ In TV shows and motion pictures, Indigenous characters are regularly played by non-Indigenous individuals and the portrayals of Indigenous Peoples are infrequently exact. Rather, movie producers use generalizations of Indigenous Peoples. Therefore, it is truly sure that social media can encourage conformity.

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Does social media encourage conformity. (2021, Oct 17). Retrieved from