Why i Want to be a Dental Hygienist Essay

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Why i Want to be a Dental Hygienist Essay

In this application essay, the author will outline their motivation and qualifications for pursuing a career in dental hygiene. It will discuss their passion for oral health, relevant experiences, and the skills they bring to the field. The piece will also reflect on the importance of dental hygiene in overall health and the author’s goals and aspirations in the profession. More free essay examples are accessible at PapersOwl about Dentistry.

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The dental hygiene profession has been a significant interest of mine since my high school years. During that period, I engaged in various projects and research papers focused on oral care. These projects explored the importance of X-rays, maintaining healthy teeth, gums, and tongue, and the consequences of neglecting proper oral care. I delved into factors that lead to dental diseases, as well as their prevention and treatment. Now, as a pre-health professions major at UC Blue Ash, I have completed all prerequisites and am currently enrolled in two general education courses required for a dental hygiene degree.

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This essay will explore my journey and aspirations in dental hygiene, drawing on both personal experiences and academic insights while offering a reflection similar to dental hygiene application essay examples.

Academic and Professional Exploration

Throughout my academic journey, the courses that have had the most profound impact on my understanding of dental hygiene are anatomy and physiology, as well as an introductory course to health professions. Anatomy and physiology provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the structures and functions of the human body, which is essential for diagnosing and treating oral health issues. Meanwhile, the Introduction to Health Professions course emphasized the importance of professionalism in healthcare settings. In this class, I collaborated with fellow students who shared my interest in dental hygiene, culminating in a presentation on the responsibilities of dental hygienists.

Moreover, my engagement with professionals in the field has greatly enriched my perspective. I have had the opportunity to speak with and shadow numerous dentists and dental hygienists. These interactions were invaluable, as they conveyed the obligations, expectations, and skills necessary to succeed in dental hygiene. Observing patient care firsthand allowed me to visualize myself in the role of a dental hygienist, particularly seeing how they educate patients on preventative care and improve their oral health outcomes. This hands-on exposure confirmed why I want to be a dental hygienist – to make a tangible difference in patients' lives while applying scientific knowledge in a practical healthcare setting.

Overcoming Academic Challenges

Throughout my life, I have consistently excelled academically, with most of my grades being A’s and occasionally B’s. However, my transition to college presented unexpected challenges. Unlike high school, where I rarely struggled with assignments, my first semester in college demanded more intensive reading, studying, and comprehension efforts. I encountered difficulties managing my workload as a full-time student, taking four classes while also dealing with logistical issues, such as relying on friends and family for transportation to campus—an hour away from home. Waking up at five-thirty each morning to make it to my eight A.M. classes was a daunting routine.

Initially, I felt overwhelmed and questioned my ability to balance daily life with maintaining high academic standards. However, this experience taught me the critical importance of time management and effort. I realized that the challenges were not indicative of my capabilities but rather a reflection of adapting to a new, demanding environment. This realization marked a turning point, pushing me to develop strategies for managing my time effectively and approaching my studies with increased dedication.

Importance of Preventative Oral Health Care

As I continue my journey toward becoming a dental hygienist, I have developed a deep appreciation for the vital role dental hygienists play in preventative oral health care. Through my research and shadowing experiences, I've observed how dental hygienists serve as the first line of defense against oral diseases, performing essential cleanings, identifying early warning signs of dental problems, and educating patients on proper oral hygiene practices. This preventative approach to healthcare aligns perfectly with my personal philosophy that preventing problems is always better than treating them after they've developed. I believe that helping patients maintain healthy smiles contributes significantly to their overall well-being, as oral health is intrinsically connected to one's general health. This understanding further reinforces my decision to pursue dental hygiene as my chosen profession.

Path to Success and Career Goals

To succeed in the dental hygiene program, I am committed to several key principles: punctuality, organization, positivity, and a focus on learning. I believe that showing up on time every day demonstrates effort and appreciation for the opportunity to learn. Organizational skills are crucial for managing tasks and making them more manageable, while a positive attitude not only helps in achieving goals but also enhances life's enjoyment. My plan includes dedicating time both inside and outside the classroom to studying, participating, taking notes, and reflecting on my actions to ensure they align with my academic and career goals. Looking ahead, I'm encouraged by the strong job outlook for dental hygienists, with a projected growth rate that exceeds many other healthcare professions. My ultimate career goal is to work in a community dental clinic where I can serve diverse patient populations while continuously expanding my skills through professional development and specialized training in areas like pediatric dental hygiene or geriatric oral care.


In conclusion, my journey toward entering the dental hygiene profession is driven by a deep-seated passion for oral health and a commitment to overcoming obstacles. My high school projects laid the foundation for my interest, while my college courses and interactions with professionals have expanded my understanding of the field. Despite initial academic challenges, I have developed the skills and mindset necessary to succeed. As I reflect on why I want to be a dental hygienist, I find myself drawn to the perfect balance this career offers between scientific knowledge, technical skills, and meaningful human connection. This combination of elements makes dental hygiene an ideal profession for someone like me who values both intellectual challenge and making a genuine difference in people's lives. Through perseverance and a focus on holistic learning, I am determined to excel in this rewarding and impactful profession.

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Why I Want to Be a Dental Hygienist Essay. (2021, Mar 27). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/dental-hygiene-application-essay/