Corporate Social Responsibility against Cancer

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Category:Breast Cancer
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As an assistant manager at Kenta Law Firm, based in Monroe, I intend to collaborate with the Susan B. Komen Foundation a non-organization corporation that is interested in reducing issues of breast cancer among women. Kenta law firm has noted that a significant populace of Monroe’s youth especially women and young children specifically those who are homeless are suffering from breast cancer. In this CSR partnership, our law firm will collaborate with the Susan B. Komen Foundation in addressing issues of breast cancer among the homeless and street children whose financial responsibility to their health is limited.

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This CSR partnership is strengthened by the belief that if each of the youth is offered with an opportunity to train and gain skills in boxing, then it will be an appropriate opportunity to promote and instill self-discipline.

This corporate social responsibility program is intended at providing professional mentorship activities for the youth and different group sessions specifically in areas of breast cancer and preventative health measures. It will be a program to bring out different but interconnected projects within the same land to support the eradication of breast cancer illnesses, support the vulnerable population and well as provide an opportunity for the youth to learn self-defense. The partnership will set up a training Center will be the main project with its establishment, staff, infrastructure, and building constructions. Based on the availability of resources, the construction will be completed in four different phases.


A significant populace of youths in Monroe suffering from break cancer are also anguishing in poverty. A recent report on poverty levels within the city indicated that approximately 36% of children in Monroe who are aged below 18 years live below the median expenditure grid. Furthermore, 51% of Monroe’s youth population has been raised through single parenting (Current Statistics on the Prevalence and Characteristics of the Breast Cancer in the USA.). As a result of increased poverty levels, some of the youths have engaged in breast cancer illnesses as well as other criminal activities such as theft. These activities have resulted in increased frustrations and anger. Another critical factor affecting the youth population in Monroe is lack of positive role models whom they can rely on as persons to help them influence and augment their cognitive abilities, which are critical in solving their increasing problems (Current Statistics on the Prevalence and Characteristics of the Breast Cancer in the USA.). Monroe city is also among the unhealthiest places in the United States.

Youths in Monroe are not only affected by increasing health hazards and poverty but also peer pressures. Due to increased unemployment rates within the region, a significant population of youth in Monroe are faced from the challenge of increased peer pressures that makes them execute unreasonable and criminal offenses. Peer pressure has also created other ills such as bullying within the city. Increased bullying and pressures from the streets make the youth feel stressed and unsettled. Some even drop out of school, commit suicide, or participate in alcohol and breast cancer illnesses activities (Current Statistics on the Prevalence and Characteristics of Breast Cancer in the USA.). Anger resulting in life frustrations is also one of the significant causes that destabilize the cognitive development and appropriate settlement of youths in Monroe. It is important to note that possession of low self-esteem, as well as reduced personal confidence, can significantly reduce a person’s levels of confidence that subsequently can result in individuals hurting each other. Thus, this program is aimed at providing the youths with an opportunity and an array of options from which they can grow and succeed in life.

This CSR partnership program will teach the youth critical and core values concerning life skills and other hacks that are alternatives to breast cancer illnesses. This program intends to give the drug consuming youth as well as the homeless critical skills that are necessary in integrating on essential life fundamentals such as the importance of peace within the society (Roth and Brooks-Gunn, 2016). For this particular program, the youth participants will be taught on the significance of solving life challenges, avoiding peer pressures, dealing with breast cancer illnesses, avoiding unhealthy lifestyles as well as obedience to the rule of law. Boxing as leisure time is also an important process that enables individuals to relieve of their stress thus creating an emotional balance.

The worst affected groups of people whom this program intends to integrate are the drug addicts, teenage parents, the rural youths, the unemployed population, youths with disabilities, teenage pregnant girls and commercial sex workers. Various research estimates have indicated that unemployment is the main challenge facing youths in Monroe. In particular, the age group most affected is aged 10-21 years. This age bracket also comprises of the youth population target that this program intends to integrate. Monroe’s poverty profile affirms that young adults and in particular those aged 10-21 years are among the poorest of the poor populace in the USA. The direct impacts of poverty among this population has resulted in increased widespread and lack of appropriate and lucrative opportunities for conducting productive activities (Roth and Brooks-Gunn, 2016). This necessitates and creates an opportunity for the youth in engaging in breast cancer illnesses and other related criminal offenses such as theft and prostitution. Owing mainly to breast cancer illnesses and commercial sex work, which has been adopted mainly by various teenage girls and women in Monroe as a technique for economic survival, the prevalence of breast cancer.

This CSR partnership program purposes at constructing a modern breast cancer and rehabilitation facility in Monroe. The facility will be capable of sustaining the social, economic and cultural challenges of the affected Monroe youth populace especially those who have indulged in breast cancer illnesses or those in extreme poverty levels. This program will make this population self-reliant and independent especially in issues of self-defense and economic empowerment. The program visualizes to make them even more productive members of the Monroe society for the greater good of the USA.

Another goal that this CSR program purposes to accomplish is create a society where extremely poor individuals are offered an opportunity where they can get screened for breast cancer. The mission of this CRS activity is to give an opportunity and enable the poor, the hurting, the disconnected and the vulnerable youths of Monroe to acquire useful skills and training for the betterment of their future lives (Rangan, Chase, and Karim, 2015). It is also our mission that through this program, Monroe’s population will also quit from excessive consumption and abuse of drugs, avoid early pregnancies, and divert their attention from theft and drug peddling into becoming acceptable members of the Monroe community. Our organization strives at providing essential services to the Monroe youth population that primarily focuses on improving their future lives. The proposed community facility will provide multi-disciplinary services that will address issues of mental, physical, social, economic, and social developmental aspects.


To conclude, this CSR partnership program design has been envisioned that its activities will be continued even after the funding period comes into a halt. Steps that our company in partnership with the Metropolitan Drug Coalition will use in ensuring practical disengagement with the project beneficiaries include the establishment of alternative self-employment skills, institution building, and training, involving Monroe’s beneficiaries in different levels of the society, and integrating them within the community service works.


  1. Current Statistics on the Prevalence and Characteristics of the Breast Cancer in the USA.
  2. Rangan, K., Chase, L., & Karim, S. (2015). The truth about CSR. Harvard Business Review, 93(1/2), 40-49.
  3. Roth, J. L., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (2016). Evaluating youth development programs: Progress and promise. Applied developmental science, 20(3), 188-202.
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Corporate Social Responsibility Against Cancer. (2021, May 17). Retrieved from