Computer is the Greatest Invention

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One significant role computer has played in the modern society is in its ability to simplify and provide cheap communication tools that enable us to send a simple electronic mail message to friends, families, and colleagues, located just about anywhere in the world, instantly. It has created a platform on which a variety of conversation and interface capabilities have been developed. Recently, some of the features of the computer include voice, video, and multimedia. Computer has helped to streamline the learning process while making it much fun to learn.

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We are a fun loving, high-tech age and computer are used in games, not only for amusement but also for training purposes. The extensive library and the most current and accurate source of information are some additional benefits of computers. Since long ago, in history, invention of science and deception of physics, including laws and their details, have been projected long before computers were developed, but accomplishment presented unique difficulties that were not clearly understood. Practical tools that could simplify great and complex problems encouraging as a elaborately effective way to predict future events. For computation, properties of physical processes in diverse situations have become unreliable. The extent to which a computer can be considered a universal tool is timetabling. There are computer centers planned and constructed at numerous institutions where new super-computers are being tested and programmed by researchers in many disciplines.

Historical Development of the Computer

Origin and development starting in the 20th century, the computer was perennially applied for computation through analog methods and used to increase human abilities of measurement, calculation, and design, often with machines. The logic of machines had been formulated step by step, the principles of computers had been built, and some basic elements of these principles had been made. Furthermore, people had been able to realize various designed functions of the computers through technologies of mechanics, electronics, and computer software.

The three key technologies of computer construction are mechanics, electronics, and computer software. They are also the basis of the three types of modern computers. With the two relative physical bases, the analog techniques were respectively developed on the principles of diverse electronics and mechanics and constructed as analog computers and mechanical computers, which were prior to digital computers; however, the specialized field of the two individual types of the relative techniques had not been established.

Impact of Computers on Society and Economy

There is little doubt about the significant and yet varied impact of computers on society and the economy. It is perhaps the most pervasive and profound influence ever experienced by mankind. The following provides a very brief overview of this impact on a selective basis. Microprocessor Technology: Computers – physical and biochemical – used to fill up entire halls, now reduced to such small dimensions that a computer, and a powerful one at that, could be worn on one's wrist. This has led to the phenomenon of embedded computers and very powerful but still quite inexpensive microcontroller-based equipment. In fact, in the traditional sense, the computer, i.e., the personal computer, could be considered as a form of microprocessor-based controller. Intelligence that was the preserve of educated and intelligent human beings only recently has now been made available to any lay individual at an affordable cost. Physical and Social Environment: Enormous and drastic changes are being experienced today with the rapid development and increased ability of computers to handle and carry out a multitude of tasks. The work environment in many sectors, ranging from manufacturing to services, has changed qualitatively. The advent of self-acting machinery coupled with a whole range of other developments over the past two centuries, particularly the use of electrical energy and the techniques of mass production, has led to substantial social problems. The current period of rapid development in microprocessor technology, and hence a quantum jump in the intelligence of machines, could very well exacerbate social problems and uncertainties unless carefully and thoughtfully handled. For many, new technologies have brought about enormous benefits, whereas for others, especially those adversely affected, there are possibly severer and unpleasant consequences. It is widely recognized that we are living in a period of unprecedented change. This array of technological changes is affecting the jobs undertaken by people on an increasing scale. This has led (and would lead) to significant social and geographical mobility.

Technological Advancements and Future Prospects

With the advent and advancement of the computer, other inventions have been made possible. Computation can now be done more accurately and quickly. The advancement of the microprocessor has made it possible for the computer to be adapted for other uses. Smaller and faster computers were created. It may be compared to the invention of simple machines, like the lever, which was used to make other tools that can overcome physical challenges. However, the significance of the computer does not only end with its economic or technological effects; more importantly, it also plays a significant role in other areas of human activities. Future developments of the computer are also to be expected. Owing to the increasing demand for faster and more powerful computers, manufacturers have continuously developed microprocessors with increased speed and power. The microprocessor can now work at unbelievable speeds but it consumes less power and produces less heat. However, researchers have described that the speed of the microprocessor increases twice per year.

Ethical and Social Implications of Computer Technology

Computer systems will continue to have a profound effect on our society. They have the capability to manipulate identical bits of data in increasingly complex ways. They can be characterized as special-purpose languages whose components are game pieces rather than words or numbers. The special-purpose language could take on a life of its own in much the same way that huge computer programs do. However, the computer can have both beneficial and detrimental effects on our society. The beneficial effects of computer technology include the applications of automatic diagnosis in medicine, the use of computer programs to manage service operations at an airline and automobile rental company, and the employment of enormous management information systems to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of data processing in routine and case-handling decisions. The detrimental effects include the exponential increase in computer power to the possible detriment of the individual, the elaboration of computer program failures, and the erosion of personal privacy by the computer and communications industries.

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Computer is the Greatest Invention. (2024, Dec 27). Retrieved from