College Athletes should not be Paid

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College Athletes should not be Paid

This essay will further argue against the payment of college athletes, emphasizing the educational focus of colleges, the benefits athletes already receive, and the complexities of implementing payment systems. More free essay examples are accessible at PapersOwl about College.

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Many college athletes help their schools receive revenue, but that doesn’t mean these athletes should automatically get a percentage because of their contributions. ESPN wants us to view college athletes as if they are in training for a job or working for an unpaid internship. If college athletes were paid, college sports would be abolished forever. Paying these athletes would only benefit them; therefore, these players should not be paid. This argumentative essay on why college athletes shouldn’t be paid will explore the thesis statement that professional and college sports should keep definitive t lines between one another.

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While most people disagree on whether college athletes should be paid, there are several factors that should be taken into consideration when debating this topic. Because basketball and football bring such a large profit to colleges, the money earned through these sports pays for less profitable sports, such as volleyball and soccer). If basketball and football athletes were being paid, smaller athletic teams would potentially be cut due to the lack of profitable money. It is not fair that these smaller teams would be terminated. An evaluation done in 2013 proved that only 23 of 228 Division I college schools actually have the money to pay their student-athletes. Title IX – a law that prohibits discrimination and exclusion of anyone based on sex or gender from a program receiving Federal financial assistance – would potentially be violated, as male student-athletes playing basketball and football garner the most income. Even though college athletes seem like they earn a payday, the effects of paying college athletes are way too heavy and disastrous.

If college athletes were to get paid, there are many questions and unknown variables. If college athletes were paid, how much would they make? The answer to this would differ from school to school, depending on how much the school can give. Would these athletes still be paid if they were injured? If records were broken, championships were won, or performances were exceptional, would an athlete be paid more? Because football and basketball are more popular and make more profits, would these players be paid more? This would mean that smaller sports, if not abolished, would be paid considerably less. In professional sports, winning a championship means a big payday is coming, but the expectations may be different for college athletes. Would there be new rules about how much money one can receive? Since there are countless questions, college athletes should not be paid for essays.

Some people want college athletes to be paid, but many argue that these athletes get paid in many other ways. Statistics show that according to the National Collegiate Athletic Association, or NCAA, more than 150,000 college athletes receive $2.7 billion in scholarships each year). These student-athletes are also often given access to high-quality equipment, support staff, and coaching, and they also have their travel expenses covered.t These college athletes learn teamwork, leadership, loyalty, hard work, and communication while playing college sports, but many argue that since they are playing at school, their focus should be on academics and the love of the game, not making a profit for playing a particular sport.

When looked at in-depth, paying college athletes would benefit the athletes but not the schools themselves. Rashad McCants, a former basketball player, said of his experience, “You’re not there to get an education. You’re there to make revenue for the college. You’re there to put fans in the seats. You’re there to bring prestige to the university by winning games.” While many students are able to work part-time while attending classes, most college athletes can’t get a job because they spend countless hours practicing, playing, and traveling for games). One proposed solution to paying college athletes is a salary cap, meaning each player only receives a certain amount of money. A salary cap would favor schools with more money as students clamor to play there, but it would provide a way to pay college athletes.

College athletes should not be paid. Even though they help benefit their schools by increasing capital, they should not be rewarded with money. Many smaller sports would potentially be terminated due to paying high-performing athletes. Paying college athletes is not what college sports need or want. Let’s work together to find the best solution to support these students.

Frequently Asked Questions
Why shouldn't colleges pay athletes?

Several reasons exist to support the stance that colleges should not remunerate their athletes. Initially, such a move would create a disparity between the athletes who receive payment and those who do not. Additionally, assessing a suitable wage for the athletes would be challenging since their abilities and significance differ considerably. Moreover, paying college athletes would be a financial burden for universities, which could translate to escalated tuition fees. Finally, some contend that college athletes already receive compensation through scholarships and other forms of perks.

What is the biggest issue facing college athletes?

One of the significant concerns for college athletes is the possibility of being exploited. Athletes might face coercion to enroll in a school where they can generate revenue, even if it is not their preferred option. Moreover, they may encounter pressure to ink endorsement agreements or other contracts that could compromise their eligibility.

How do college athletes feel about not getting paid?

The question of whether college athletes should be remunerated elicits diverse opinions from the athletes themselves. A few athletes consider that obtaining a free education while participating in a sport they adore is sufficient compensation. Conversely, some believe that they do not receive fair recompense for the energy and time they dedicate to the sport and that they are not granted equivalent benefits to other college students.

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College athletes should not be paid. (2019, Jan 06). Retrieved from