Cognitive Behavior

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Updated: Mar 28, 2022
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 From a cognitive behavioral perspective, I want Lance to critically evaluate and modify his self-defeating beliefs, which will likely result in Lane acquiring more effective behavior. As his therapist, I am both goal oriented and problem focused. In the first session with Lance I will require Lance to identify his problems and formulate specific goals and help him reconceptualize his problems in a way that will increase his chances of finding solutions. For each session with Lance follows a clear structure.

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The procedural sequence starts with preparing Lance by providing a cognitive rationale for treatment and demystifying treatment. Next, I will encourage Lance to monitor the thoughts that accompany his distress during social situations.

Following this I will implement behavioral and cognitive techniques in conjunction with Lance. I will then assist Lance with identifying and examining some of his basic beliefs and ideas. This will provide an opportunity for me to teach him ways to exam his beliefs and assumptions by testing them in the real world. Lastly, I will teach him basic coping skills that will enable him to avoid relapsing into his old habits of avoiding social situations. Each session is clearly outlined as an entire process and within each individual session. Within one session with Lance I would ask Lance to review the previous week, eliciting feedback from the previous session, review homework assignments, collaboratively create an agenda for the session, discuss topics on the agenda, and set new homework for the following week. The focus is encouraging Lance to perform personal experiments and practice coping skills in his daily life. Lance expresses a focus on improving his daily life at work. I would focus first on the importance of his automatic thoughts regarding himself. Lance expresses that he sees himself as shy and likely of making a mistake. The thought process is hindering Lance ability to be fully autonomous. Once Lance fully understands his nature of his cognitive distortions and self-defeating beliefs I would rely heavily on cognitive techniques such as Socratic questioning, guided discovery, and cognitive restructuring to assist Lance in examining the evidence that seems to support or contradict his core beliefs. Lance will use introspection to check the validity of the conclusions and assumptions that he has regarding himself.

Lastly, Lance and I will create homework to enhance his abilities in social situations. Through practice he will be able to label distortions and be able to automatically identify his negative thoughts and monitor his cognitive patterns. Through cognitive and behavioral strategies, from a cognitive behavioral perspective, I want Lance to critically evaluate and modify his self-defeating beliefs, which will likely result in Lane acquiring more effective behavior. As his therapist, I am both goal oriented and problem focused. In the first session with Lance I will require Lance to identify his problems and formulate specific goals and help him reconceptualize his problems in a way that will increase his chances of finding solutions. he will be able to acquire new information, change his basic beliefs regarding himself, and implement new and more effective behavior. Ultimately Lance will be able to overcome his social anxiety, liberating himself from the constant state of worry and fatigue.  

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Cognitive Behavior. (2019, Jan 27). Retrieved from